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Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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A glance back at 2022!

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


What a year it was! We don’t know about you, but it was a good one here at Split Tech City. 🙂

The local tech community kept growing, the number of tech-related events was also increasing, and we all benefited from the liveliness of Split’s tech community.

The year was so eventful that, throughout its duration, we periodically looked back on what happened and what we achieved together.

We did so at the end of March and the last day of June, as well as the beginning of October.

And now we’d like to glance back at the final three months of 2022, and also get a clearer picture of the whole year. You with us?! 😉


October was a fine time to #CatchUp with littlecode and Agilathon. It was also the month when Varyence introduced their Varyence Passport Fund Program for startups and collaborated with us on a thematic “Locals’n’Nomads” meetup.

We’ve announced the KOMBO Festival and the Smart City Challenge hackathon, as well as presented the work of the Jedna Mladost association and Evala, one of Split’s startups. We also took part in the official initiation of the University Green Digital HUB program.

Another great and insightful meetup in October was the OpenCoffee Split meetup which brought us all together over awesome beer, good food, and a fabulous lecture delivered by Photomath’s founder and CEO Damir Sabol. Food for mind and body!

And Split Tech City’s community continued growing because we were joined by Codeasy and HR Prodigy.


November offered a #throwback to the Festival of Technology and Entrepreneurship because all the videos from the #STCFestival2022 were finally ready for viewing.

And to stay on the topic of entrepreneurship, we celebrated Global Entrepreneurship Week with a startup-themed meetup in collaboration with Student Business Incubator where Suren Markosian offered invaluable insight into startup life.

This month’s edition of theLocals’n’Nomads” meetup was organized in collaboration with DonatQR as part of our mutual project called Digital Volunteer Community.

This was the meetup to be at if you wanted to learn all about the app DonatQR developed and which we used to gather applications and donations for Split Tech Cup 2022.

A meetup that brought a lot of buzz in November was the OpenCoffee Split meetup where Tomislav Grubišić went all in and taboo-free in his lecture about startups, venture capital, and many other (possibly taboo-inducing) things.

November was also the time when we had lunch with Bots&Pots robots, caught up with Blank, and welcomed Revendo to the Split Tech City community.


The star on our Split Tech City Christmas tree is definitely the Split Tech Cup! 🙂

This event always happens in December and never fails to bring the local tech community together for a good cause and some sporty fun. This year was no different! Actually – it was!

Because the Split Tech Cup was the first test event for the DonatQR’s app developed as part of the Digital Volunteer Community project.

December was also the time for the Smart City Challenge hackathon and all the greatness that event brought to our local tech community and its bright future.

To keep it chill and relaxed with the rest of the events, Locals’n’Nomads” did not have a theme in December – we just got together to be merry, hang out with each other, and have a Christmas raffle.

As eventful as 2022 was, we thought it best to bring you a short overview of all the meetups you can now find in Split, as well as of all the design-related activities throughout this final part of the year.

And to sort of wrap up the experiences of internationals we’ve been sharing with you, for a final story in 2022 about moving to Croatia, we interviewed the most well-known expat (or more correctly – local) – Paul Bradbury.

Split Tech City members also brought us a lot of great surprises during this last month by sharing the great news about their work with us.

We shared some awesome updates from Include, Parklio, Infobip and Blank, venITure, as well as Harfa International School. We were excited about all these new developments and are looking forward to all 2023 will bring!

2022 in numbers

After so many words, it’s time for some numbers, right?! 😉

In 2022 the English part of the Split Tech City website welcomed 23 222 visitors from all over the world and had 62 118 views. Visitors spent an average of 1 minute and 45 seconds on the website.

Compared to 2021, this is 61% more visitors and 51% more views.

We could say we did ok with the whole “spreading the word about our Mediterranean Tech Hub” thing. 😀

Can’t wait to continue enriching Split’s tech community throughout 2023! The Split Tech City team wishes you all a happy and successful new year! 🙂

Photo credit: Vanessa Barač, Bruno Dubravec, and Ivan Gracin


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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