Festival of Technology and Entrepreneurship

September 6 and 7, 2024
Bačvice Open-Air Cinema

Inspire yourself with interesting stories from the world of entrepreneurship and technology!

Buy your ticket!

The ticket price for both days is 80 EUR and for one day 40 EUR. Tickets for university students are 25 EUR and for high school students 15 EUR, both are valid for two Festival days.

Split Tech City Festival is intended for everyone who wants to be uplifted by the motivating stories shared by our carefully selected lecturers and panelists.

Regardless of whether you are just at the beginning of your professional journey or you have years of experience behind you, you will be exhilarated and enjoy yourself at the #STCFestival!

Local and international professionals await you in the most beautiful venue - the Bačvice Open-Air Cinema! The Festival's first day will be in Croatian, and the second in English.

Meet individuals focused on growth and the future. Network with people with similar interests!

Motivation, knowledge, inspiration, networking. See you at the 4th Split Tech City Festival!

What were the impressions from the first three editions of the Festival?

The STC Festival's essence exudes the heart and soul of Split itself - relaxed, easygoing, and yet profoundly educational and motivational. Set against the backdrop of the iconic Bačvice beach, where the scent of the sea breeze mingles with the comforting shade of pine trees, the Festival creates an ideal ambiance to immerse oneself in networking, inspiration, and new opportunities.

Ivan Matasović Project Manager, Valcon

The Split Tech City Festival is a melting pot of creativity, motivation, and networking opportunities! Everyone in the audience gains value, regardless of whether they are a student, engineer, entrepreneur, or journalist. All attendees leave the Festival enriched with valuable experiences and new acquaintances.

Suzana Špika Head of People Operations, Postindustria

Attending the Split Tech City Festival has been an incredible experience! As the head of the Student Business Incubator, I value its impact on students and the tech community. The Mediterranean Tech Hub vibe, the sea view, and - above all - the inclusivity create an inspiring atmosphere. The emphasis on authenticity and growth, along with the consistently improving content, make this Festival an event that shapes the future of the tech scene.

Lana Ugrčić Student Business Incubator Split

Fun, inspirational, and motivating! Those are the three words that best describe the Split Tech City Festival. Set in a beautiful location, with outstanding lecturers and panelists who discuss intriguing topics that aren't exclusively tied to IT. And, most importantly - STC Festival is a fantastic opportunity for socializing and meeting new people!

Đulijano Nola Co-Founder, GoHome, CrnoJaje, GammaChef, OsigurajMe, Bots&Pots

The Split Tech City Festival holds a special place in my heart - where the past and future meet, tradition and innovation intertwine, and passion and knowledge collide! This blend of technology, creativity, and innovation enriched with the Mediterranean charm and the essence of Split captivated me instantly. Attending the STC Festival, I am always inspired by connecting with like-minded individuals in an environment that encourages authentic networking.

Viktor Viljac High school student and volunteer

The Split Tech City Festival is the number one tech event in Split. Tech conferences often tend to be monotonous and reserved, but not STC Festival! Lectures are always intended for a broad audience, attendees are relaxed and friendly, the energy is at its peak, and the Bačvice Open-Air Cinema venue adds an even higher level to it all in the evening hours. I would recommend to anyone involved in or planning to get into IT to attend the Split Tech City Festival!

Ante Dagelić Co-Founder & CTO, GetByBus

Enjoy the unique #SplitTechCity vibe!

Come to this year's edition of the Split Tech City Festival!

September 6 and 7, 2024
Bačvice Open-Air Cinema

Buy your ticket!