Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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NFTartXpert: A word or two about the NFT Markets

“Choosing a location is integral to the film: in essence, another character.” ~ Ridley Scott Hello there! It’s Ivan, you know…


NFTartXpert: Why do people buy NFTs?

Hello there! It’s Ivan, you know – “that NFT guy“. 😉 Before we start, for those of you who think that…


NFTartXpert: short history of NFTs

Hello there! It’s me, Ivan. 🙂 How about spending your holidays learning more about NFTs?! So far, we’ve covered the basics of…


NFTartXpert: what are Web3 and Metaverse?

Hello there! It’s Ivan again. 😀 In our previous articles, we talked about the basics of NFTs and blockchain, as…


NFTartXpert: what are smart contracts, minting, and gas fees?

Hello there! It’s me again – Ivan. 😀 In our previous two articles, we talked about the basics of NFTs…


NFTartXpert: what is a blockchain?

Hello, everyone! Remember me – Ivan Markov, the guy who taught you some NFT basics the last time. 🙂Well, it’s…


NFTartXpert: let’s learn the NFT basics!

Hello there! My name is Ivan Markov, and I’m here to share some knowledge with you all regarding a topic…


Triend: an app launching in Split to make tourism a community matter!

The tourist season is beginning to gain momentum here in Split, so we thought now would be the perfect time…


Biodiversity and tech: become a Marine Ranger!

Yesterday was the International Day for Biological Diversity, more commonly known as Biodiversity Day. It got us thinking of the…


BlockSplit brings blockchain stars to Split!

BlockSplit 3 is an international conference for blockchain business and development. The goal of the conference is to bring together…

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Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Stephanie from techtimeout helps us pick the top five mental health apps!

During this month, when we shine a light on the importance of mental health, we decided to bring you an…


NetHub: improving healthcare through the digital transformation!

As the first Croatian business accelerator that focuses on the development of healthcare technology, the NetHub is of utmost importance…


What is DUMP all about?

Whoever is part of Split’s tech community is already familiar with the DUMP Association of Young Programmers and its work….


Endemic is ready to grace us with its presence!

The team that is also part of the Stone Block Association — the foundation of a globally-operating blockchain community based…


How Capture chose Split over Scandinavia to enrich the local tech scene

Capture is a software development house specializing in delivering systems aimed at the Life-Science and Financial technology sector. Capture functions…

Blazorise logo


Blazorise is another blazing star in Split’s tech ecosystem sky!

Blazorise is the brand of the company Megabit. It is a library of components built on top of Blazor that…