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Stephanie from techtimeout helps us pick the top five mental health apps!

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


During this month, when we shine a light on the importance of mental health, we decided to bring you an overview of the top five mental health apps. Now, we are definitely not experts in this field but we did find someone who can help us out. Her name is Stephanie Henson, and she is the Founder and Managing Director of techtimeout, as well as the Sales Director of Six Ticks digital agency.

Stephanie and techtimeout

Stephanie is currently in Split, and therefore, part of our local tech community. At the moment, her life is that of a digital nomad: “I’ve had the ability to work remotely since 2015 when I first started working in the tech business. After the whole pandemic situation, I was feeling trapped in my UK apartment and in need of a change of scenery. I decided to pack everything into a storage unit and I hopped on a plane to Croatia for a few months.

I’ve landed in Split with just a small suitcase of belongings and I love it!”

When we spoke with Stephanie about techtimeout, which was established in 2020, we found out that their primary focus is to change the way people use technology: “We believe technology should enrich our lives but not take over. We’re making healthier and more conscious technology use the norm, as well as helping workplaces support the mental health and productivity of their employees.”

Tech for good

Stephanie herself is an advocate of ‘tech for good’: “I love technology – I am a director of a digital agency after all – but can you have too much of a good thing?

I believe that technology should serve us and not distract us!

I noticed a decline in the mental health of both myself and the teams that I work with due to constant digital distractions and 24/7 connection. I realized there was no guidance on how to cope with these pressures which is what led me to start techtimeout. We’re building a community of accredited businesses that prioritize the mental health and wellbeing of their employees.”

Being a ‘tech for good’ advocate makes her the best person to give us insight into the top five mental health apps. Therefore, if you’re struggling with balancing out your life and technology, take a look at Stephanie’s choices and give them a try. You never know – this tech might aid you towards your definition of good!


Calm’s mission is to make the world happier and healthier. Their app focuses on meditation, sleep, and relaxation using unique audio content. One of the most popular features is ‘The Daily Calm’ but there are also over 250 sleep stories and music, meditation lessons, nature sounds, and more!

(Free to download with some content available. A paid subscription unlocks access to the entire content library.)


This app helps people create life-changing habits to live in the present, practice gratitude, and become more self-aware which contributes to better mental health. The app is backed up by science and uses proven mindfulness tools, accessible whenever you need support. Headspace can help you relax your mind, enhance focus and improve sleep.

(Free to download and free trial available. Subscriptions are available to access the full content library.)


Less distraction, more life.Unpluq helps you reduce your unnecessary screen time and put more focus on what’s meaningful to you. You select the apps that distract you most and the Unpluq app switches to ‘focus mode’ which blocks the app and its notifications for a set period. This helps improve your focusing power while helping you find the balance between life and your smartphone.

(Free. Enhanced features available for an additional cost.)


Where the productivity community meets.Flipd allows you to stay motivated and productive while being able to connect with a community of people trying to do the same! It’s like having a virtual study buddy. It includes features like timers to track breaks and the time you focus, live study rooms, and free lo-fi background music.

(Free for basic features. Premium features are available for an additional cost.)


The private and safe digital scrapbook to keep memories alive whenever you want to reminisce. You can store photos and videos and turn them into stories. This tech for good app gives users an outlet to reflect on their day or a place to add context to photos or videos. On Storychest you choose exactly who sees your stories.

(Free to download for up to 20 stories. The monthly subscription is available.)

We’d like to thank Stephanie for her valuable insight and help in creating this top five mental health apps list!

Photos by: Stephanie Henson


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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