Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Get to know Split Tech City’s work!

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


Every now and then we stop to observe our own work a little bit and realize it might be a good thing to make you join us, too. Just so you can get to know Split Tech City and its work better – if you’re not already a pro at knowing us like the back of your hand. 😉

Our daily work primarily consists of content creation for the Split Tech City website and social media, as well as event planning and management for a variety of events we realize throughout the year. We also often offer media coverage for events that are relevant to the local tech community.

Aside from that, another important aspect of our day-to-day is gathering and providing support to the Split Tech City community.

Be it through posting job ads for the companies who joined Split Tech City, creating content about them, or celebrating their successes, we strive that all that we do is done for the betterment of the community and fostering connections within it and beyond.

So, except for this daily work we do, what are some of the biggest projects we continuously and/or periodically work on? Well, let’s find out! 😉

Mini PR Conference

The Mini PR Conference we titled “Komunikacijska izvrsnoST” (Communication Excellence) as its goal tries to enable our community to learn from experts who use their knowledge and skills in any type of public relations.

From PR and communication experts to people who intersect those fields of work with something else, the audience of this event had an opportunity to learn a lot and witness interesting panel discussions. The content varies in topics, but special emphasis is placed on all segments of public relations that can help technological companies develop their business.

Summer Internships

The first signs of summer in Split Tech City usually mean only one thing – it’s time to present summer internships! Every year we do our best to present to local students and young people internships offered by IT companies who are members of our community.

Instead of researching each company independently, we organize an event that gathers everyone and everything important in one place – the company representatives, the students, and networking as the highlight of all our events.

It’s a great opportunity for students to hear from and meet representatives from several different companies in one place and get information about opportunities for internships and work.

Visits to Split Tech City members

Another project oriented towards connecting Split’s youth with IT companies is visiting the offices of Split Tech City members. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in our local tech community to see it from an insider’s point of view.

Every single visit was special and companies really outdid themselves in their effort to bring what they do closer to everyone who attended. It was never just a tour of the offices, but they absolutely did their best to also share their knowledge on the IT world and any tips for aspiring young professionals.

NEXT Youth Conference

NEXT Youth Conference is imagined as a day dedicated to youth and organized by youth. It is a conference-style event that will offer interesting lectures and an engaging panel discussion on a variety of topics: entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, design, and personal development, as well as crossovers between modern tech and other sectors.

Because we at Split Tech City consider young people to be very important for our city and the future of our tech community. That’s why we want to engage young people as soon as possible.

NEXT is a perfect example of that as the majority of its organization is being handled by three young high school students who are Split Tech City’s volunteers – Karlo Marasović, Timea Podrug, and Lana Todorovski. Its first edition was already a memorable experience, so we can’t wait for the next one!

Split Tech Cup

This humanitarian cageball tournament’s sole purpose is to gather funds for buying laptops for children who don’t have the means to do so – all while hanging out and having fun playing cageball. Split Tech Cup was initiated several years ago and this year it will be its fifth edition.

Aside from having fun and doing good deeds, last year we also tested the DonatQR+ app as part of the organization and execution of the tournament. So you definitely can’t say that this event has nothing to do with tech!

Split Tech Cup is something we always look forward to in December, and so does the local tech community – their continued enthusiasm for it is proof of that!

Split Tech City Podcast

When we initiated our podcast series of interviews with internationals, we only wanted to share their stories and let those stories highlight the benefits of life in Split in particular and Croatia in general.

As many of them often mentioned when asked about the top five reasons that made them stay, the overall quality of life here can be summarized by the benefits offered by the living environment, the beauty of the natural environment, the work-life balance brought by our Mediterranean lifestyle, the safety people can feel once they come here, and the local people who are welcoming and easily build a sense of community with the newcomers as well.

You can check out the entire series on our YouTube!

Split Startups Meetup

This year we decided to offer our community a startup-themed event. It was inevitable considering how much growth Split’s startup ecosystem has been going through in recent years.

That’s why we got together with the fabulous and hardworking team from the Student Business Incubator and, after a few brainstorming sessions on how to give something of value to the local startup community, came up with this little idea: Split Startups Meetup.

Split Startups Meetup happens once per quarter and, aside from the always amazing networking, every edition brings an opportunity to hear an interesting lecture, fireside chat, or panel discussion – all with a topic related to startups.

Women In Tech Meetup

The Women In Tech Meetup was originally created because the community recognized the unique challenges girls and women still face in tech-related fields. This meetup is one of the many projects of Split Tech City and the primary goal of Women In Tech is to direct young girls towards tech occupations, as well as to connect women who are already working in the tech industry.

No matter where you are in your professional development, or what tech-related field you are in, this Split Tech City’s event for women and girls in the tech industry offers a broad range of support and resources to advance women in technology from the classroom to working in the field of their choosing.

While not closed for male attendees, the Women In Tech meetup is based on the assumption that young girls and women would rather choose to attend an event if they were surrounded by other girls and women.

Split Tech City Festival

And the cherry on top! Our biggest project and a so-to-speak crown jewel – the Split Tech City Festival. This event, which focuses on technology, entrepreneurship, but also broader topics, is created by the community for the community.

This means that networking is the most important aspect of our Festival. We want our audience to have a great time, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, and meet as many interesting people as possible!

The Split Tech City Festival aims to bring together all those who want to actively participate in strengthening the local tech community: from our lecturers and panelists, or someone with significant experience in the field, to a student willing to learn something new, and everyone in between.

The quality connections we all forge during the networking are also always matched by the quality content of the Festival – we do our best to make it so!

Our Festival always brings interesting lectures, engaging panels, as well as some additional side content. On top of lots of fun and a true taste of the #SplitTechCityLifestyle we enjoy here in our beautiful hometown!

And there you have it! Now you know us and our work a bit better. 😉

We hope to see you at one of the events we organize or maybe even as part of our Split Tech City community of companies!


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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