Don’t miss the 4th edition of the Split Tech City Festival!

Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Everything is ready for NEXT!

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


We’re counting the last few days until the NEXT conference for future generations takes place! We are excited, we’re arranging the final details, and we can’t wait to welcome you all

this Saturday, March 25th, to the Amphitheater of Dom mladih starting at 10:00 AM! 😀

Why should you come to NEXT?

For those of you who are still on the fence about coming to NEXT (Why?!), here are just a few reasons why you should sign up and come:

  • entry is free – NEXT inspiration costs you nothing and brings a lot 🙂
  • at NEXT you can learn something new and interesting about topics such as personal and professional development, digital art, entrepreneurship, technology, artificial intelligence, mental health, etc.
  • a really awesome crowd is waiting for you at NEXT – you will meet people with similar interests and make new friends
  • some young people, like the youthful team of NEXT organizers, have already actively joined the local tech community, and for those of you who haven’t yet, this is a great opportunity to get to know the potential of your own city and its active tech scene
  • in addition to new knowledge and expanding horizons, one more thing is guaranteed at NEXT – having fun 😉
  • we wouldn’t be from Split if we didn’t hang out together over some tasty snacks – pizzas brought to us by and a couple of fantastic drinks that Pipi took care of

So, what are you waiting for?! Sign up! 🙂

The program of the NEXT youth conference

Or maybe you have some lingering questions about the program? Well, we won’t leave you full of doubts, then!

We have already announced all parts of the program: NEXT speakers – Andrijana, Željka, Mislav, and Đulijano – and NEXT panelists. And the program itself looks something like this:

  • 10:00-10:15 audience arrival
  • 10:15-10:25 NEXT opening ceremony
  • 10:25-12:00 first part of the program: two lectures and the panel discussion
  • 12:00-12:05 presentation of Split’s associations that create content and events for young people
  • 12:05-13:05 snack-time & networking 😉
  • 13:10-13:55 second part of the program: the remaining two lectures
  • 13:55-14:00 NEXT closing ceremony

Come get inspired, hang out with awesome people, and spend an unforgettable morning at NEXT! 😀

We are waiting for you this Saturday at 10:00 AM in the Amphitheater of Dom mladih!

NEXT is free to attend, all you need to do is sign up via the registration form! And bring your friends along! 😉


About author:

Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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