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The May edition of Locals’n’Nomads was a bit of a picnic!

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


With May being as eventful as ever, we actually really enjoyed the downtime and chill atmosphere this edition of the “Locals’n’Nomads” meetup provided. And the weather cooperated, so we were able to execute our Plan A. 😀

And Plan A was to get together this Monday evening at D16 Coffee to grab drinks to-go and then head to the nearby Strossmayer Park to hang out together and chat about any and all things related to Split and life here: the lifestyle, the tech community, the upcoming events, etc.

With a really interesting mix of people in attendance – and “Locals’n’Nomads” somehow always provides exactly that – that was an easy feat to accomplish!

From tech professionals to tech-curious, from high school students to those who can’t remember the exact year of their high school graduation, from locals to people who came to Split from all over the world, and even expat-locals who came back home from their parts of the world (at least for a few days)… “Locals’n’Nomads” has it all! 🙂

As one of the attendees commented: “I came to Split for this! I mean – look at this place, this sky!”

And we have to definitely agree, even if we do sometimes forget to appreciate our city’s beauty, but then there are those people who actively choose it as their place to live, and they remind us to just take a look around and be amazed.

We’re happy everyone enjoyed this relaxed and fun intro to summertime!

As for the next “Locals’n’Nomads” in June… it’s going to be another collaborative meetup, so keep an eye on our website and our calendar for the announcement! 😉

Photos: Ivan Gracin

p.s. For those curious about previous editions of the “Locals’n’Nomads” meetup, the overviews can be found here: LN-1LN-2LN-3LN-4LN-5LN-6LN-7LN-8LN-9LN-10LN-11LN-12LN-13LN-14LN-15LN-16LN-17LN-18LN-19LN-20LN-21, and LN-22.


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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