Don’t miss the 4th edition of the Split Tech City Festival!

Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Why should you come to this year’s Split Tech City Festival?

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


During the past month, we have been slowly and steadily presenting the full agenda of the International Day of this year’s Split Tech City Festival. The only thing that remains now is to welcome you all to Bačvice Open-Air Cinema this Saturday – September 9th! 🙂

But before that can happen – here are some reasons to attend the #STCFestival!

So, you should join us for an inspirational time this Saturday to

Discover the power of youth in business

The Festival pre-program is reserved for the third Split Startups Meetup. For that occasion, we have focused on youth and entrepreneurship as two core topics.

The first segment of this pre-program is a panel discussion titled: “Am I Too Young to Be Taken Seriously?”

This panel discussion aims to reveal to us the pain points and the benefits of youth in entrepreneurship and business in general. The group of panelists that have been tasked with that grand reveal are Ron Brumbarger, founder of  Apprentice University, innovator and mentor; Blaž Perić, co-founder of SmartNest and a high school student; Ivana Perić, founder of RESOLVE and Acceleration Manager at  Silicon Castles; and Suzana Špika, Head of People Operations at Postindustria.

Find out how to benefit from new technologies

The pre-program will continue in a youthful tone with a fireside chat discussing new technologies – AI and Web3. In particular, how being young and into new technologies can be a benefit that can help you get ahead in the entrepreneurial game.

That’s why we named this fireside chat – “Get Ahead of the Game!”

The ones in charge of taking us on this deep dive into new tech and its benefits in entrepreneurship are Mirela Petrović, founder of mAI way; and Luka Sučić, partner at Meta Change Capital.

Uncover the international side of Split

The official program of the #InternationalDay will start with an international topic!

We believe Split is more than meets the eye, more than just tourism-related news that makes it to various worldwide headlines. Actually, believe is a wrong word here – we know Split is much, much more.

That is why we decided to showcase that side of our city with a panel discussion titled: “International Side of Split”

During this panel discussion, you will have the opportunity to hear about Split as an international city, not from the point of view of tourism, as we are used to, but through the perspective of people who moved to Split from various parts of the world and consciously chose it as their place to live.

The panelists who will bring this part of Split to light are Jan Bodnar, Slovakian entrepreneur and the co-founder of Unique People, one of the many tech companies in Split; Geoff Bratton, an entrepreneur born in California, the co-owner of Fig restaurants, and the co-founder of the Association of Foreign Entrepreneurs; Sara Dyson, founder of Expat in Croatia originally from Texas, co-founder of the Association of Foreign Entrepreneurs, and winner of the Influential Women of Croatia award for 2023; and Piero Palevsky, founder of Poma and Staff Software Engineer originally from Boston.

Learn the key factors for a successful tech venture

And after discovering the international side of Split, we’re taking you worldwide! 😉

More precisely, Andreas Spechtler, the founder and CEO of Silicon Castles, is taking you on a worldwide journey to success with his talk titled: “Key Success Factors for Worldwide Tech Business”.

Throughout this lecture, you will find out how to drive accelerated growth, create a product or service that solves a problem, properly develop the technology that supports the product one brings to market, why IP (intellectual property) is extremely important, the importance of the complementary relationship between the market and sales, and how to enter the global market and grow.

Get clued up about the future of marketing

This worldwide success will have a lot to do with doing marketing well. 😀

That’s why we thought you could all benefit from learning from Aleks Jakulin and his lecture “The Future of Marketing”.

There has been a huge revolution in marketing thanks to search engines, social media, and targeted advertising. This gave rise to the direct-to-consumer (D2C) trend. However, this type of advertising has become expensive and progressively less effective. Many of the pioneering D2C companies are now struggling.

Because of that, a new approach is appearing, and it’s called commerce media. Commerce media is content we all love, but now seamlessly integrated with commerce. There are 4 types of commerce media, and Aleks will help us get insight into which types will work and which are destined to fail.

Be inspired by a rollercoaster of an entrepreneurial journey

Yes – we have the key factors to success. Yes – we know what the future of marketing looks like. But what can make or break an entrepreneurial journey is something entirely different. Therefore, we figured you might also benefit from an outstanding and inspiring entrepreneurial story.

This sets the stage for Ivan Burazin, the CEO of Daytona, and his talk titled: “How Embracing Setbacks Shows You the Way Forward?”

This is what Ivan had to say about it: “From the entry into the world of startups over enjoying success to severe disappointments and risks – my entrepreneurial journey was a real rollercoaster of failure and success coupled with a whole range of emotions.

So, why today, after all that, do I unreservedly believe in Daytona and feel ready to play in the startup Champions League? Well, you can find out at the third Split Tech City Festival!”

Meet like-minded people and have a great time

And even after listing all these great aspects of this year’s Split Tech City Festival, we’re still missing the cherry on top – the networking! 😀

Aside from being inspired by interesting stories you will hear, you’ll have a chance to meet enthusiasts from various fields and learn new things from them. You will take part in networking at the most Mediterranean location a #MediterraneanTechHub like Split can offer – the Bačvice Open-Air Cinema. You will have a blast – we’re sure of it!

Are you still on the fence about attending after reading all of this? Don’t be!

It’s time to stop overthinking, go get your ticket, and get ready for a great time! See you at the Festival on Saturday! 😉


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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