Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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D28 Finance is a new member of the Split Tech City community

Members of the Split Tech City community include numerous smaller and larger technology companies from Split, as well as international corporations with branches…


Storyseller: Leonard Eldić at the 140th tech.coffee Meetup

The second tech.coffee meetup of this year gathered around thirty participants at Smartspace, who enjoyed a lecture by Leonard Eldić, the…


New Meetup in town! Learn the basics of domain design

Newly launched “Domain-Driven Design (DDD)” meetup group in Split, in collaboration with the local IT community and the established Coders’…


Unlock IT is a new member of the Split Tech City community

Members of the Split Tech City community are numerous smaller and larger tech companies from Split, as well as international corporations…


The Bitstore card has arrived: Pay with crypto everywhere, fuss free

Bitstore Card allows you to pay with cryptocurrencies directly – in stores, online, and at ATMs. Fast, simple, and hassle-free. Last…


Ice Rebus is a new member of the Split Tech City community!

Ice Rebus is a new member of the Split Tech City community! Split Tech City brings together the most promising…


DK 2025: A Festival Like No Other brings Sophia The Robot

Irreplaceable atmosphere, top-tier speakers, invaluable experiences, and impressive production: the renowned creativity and communications festival, which gathers thousands of participants,…


No Borders for Knowledge: SeekandHit Launches Employee Exchange Program

In the business world, knowledge exchange is the key to success. But how often do professionals get the chance to…


Join the Summit: Split Becomes the Hub for Global Leadership

Register for the Global Leadership Summit, a prominent business conference taking place on February 7th and 8th at the Park…


4-Day Workweek in Split: VRH Komunikacije Leads the Way

While planning the next Mini PR Conference (late April, date TBA), we learned that the innovative PR agency VRH Komunikacije…

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Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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This eBook showcases our local tech community by shortly presenting each community player. Through this eBook, you will get to know what Split's tech ecosystem has to offer. 🙂

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jakob plenge at tech coffee in split, Croatia


A Next-Gen Agency: Jakob Plenge Shares Insights on Retaining Talent

When a half-hour presentation sparks an hour-long Q&A session, you know it was a success. That’s exactly what happened at…


CroAI and education: take part in Croatia’s first education-focused AI survey

CroAI, in collaboration with the Department of Work Psychology at the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,…


Join the first Healthtech Adria Conference by NetHub!

Healthtech Adria Conference 2024 is another upcoming event in Split. Hosted by NetHub, the Croatian business accelerator dedicated to healthcare…


VITA – Virtual Telemedical Assistance project by FESB

The results of the successfully completed project “VITA – Virtual Telemedical Assistance” were presented yesterday as part of the EU…


Learn the basics of artificial intelligence with the free AI Foundations Program by Women Go Tech

AI has the potential to transform how you manage your time and different tasks, both in your personal and professional…


Join the launch of the third issue of Kàko independent magazine

“Game/Play” is here! The third issue of Kàko magazine has arrived from the press and is on its way to…