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Tilde Loop has moved to a new address and is looking for reinforcements!

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


In recent years, it has been particularly challenging (not to say problematic) for companies to find suitable office space in Split.

One of the Split Tech City members that recently successfully solved this issue (at least for now!) is the consulting company for software development Tilde Loopleaders in the application of Svelte and AI technologies on the domestic market.

And when it comes to such a situation – the only logical step is to go to them for a coffee break and talk about everything they are currently doing and planning! 😉

New space – new rush of creative energy

Nika Marin and Dubravka Gizdić took us through their new offices in the Kocunar district of Split.

“Our first office in Split was located almost in the very center of the city, but since we have been hiring intensively lately, it has become a bit cramped,” they explained the reason behind the move.

Most of their team consists of developers, who have everything they need in the new space, so they mostly choose to come to the office, although they also have the option of remote work.

In addition to Split, Tilde Loop also has an office in London.

Little-big fifth birthday

Tilde Loop recently celebrated its fifth birthday, and in the past years this team has achieved a lot – behind them are long-term collaborations and multi-year projects with corporations, as well as numerous startups.

For example, one of their major clients is The Lowdown, a femtech startup, whose CTO is Marija Ziterbart, director of the Tilde Loop office in London.

They also work on projects in the financial sector – e-commerce, and among Croatian companies they single out Infinum, with whom they have achieved excellent cooperation on several projects.

The ability to keep up with the rapid pace of technological innovation is critical to success in today’s dynamic environment. Through cooperation with clients, they strive to implement the latest technologies to ensure that their business processes are in line with the latest trends and standards.

“One of the key advantages that sets us apart is our expertise in working with Svelte, an innovative framework that has won the hearts of developers around the world.

Svelte stands out for its simplicity, speed of execution, and elegant approach to building user interfaces. Our team is not only familiar with the basics of Svelte but actively applies it in practice, which makes us a rare phenomenon on the domestic market.”

Furthermore, one of the areas in which they excel is the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in business processes.

“Cooperation with our clients includes the integration of AI solutions that improve efficiency, optimize processes, and provide added value. Our team is always ready to explore new possibilities of applying AI technologies to ensure that our clients are competitive and innovative in the market.”

Through dedicated work, constant learning, and implementation of the latest technologies, the Tilde Loop team is building a reputation as a reliable and innovative partner.

“We are proud to position ourselves as leaders in the application of Svelte and AI technologies on the domestic market, contributing to the development of the digital environment and the improvement of our clients’ business.”

Tilde Loop tech meetups to connect the community

Since the opening of the office in Split, Tilde Loop has launched a series of excellently attended meetups, where those interested could get to know their work and the opportunities they offer better.

Some of the topics discussed in previous editions are the development of a startup financed by venture capital from the perspective of the CTO, the characteristics of the Svelte framework (which has delighted developers in recent years!), and software architecture.

You will be able to read all the details about their next tech meetup – and where else but right here on the Split Tech City website! 🙂

Looking for a Node.js Developer!

This hard-working team is still looking for reinforcements, and you can see everything about the open position of Node.js Developer in the Split Tech City “Jobs” category.

Tilde Loop, thank you for the pleasant conversation – and see you soon! 😀


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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