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The awesomeness of this year’s DUMP Days

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


The seventh edition of the DUMP Days student IT conference, organized by the Association of Young Developers DUMP, is behind us.

Although the name of the association says otherwise, DUMP is not only made up of young programmers. True, their base is at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Naval Architecture.

In the beginning, they mostly gathered only Computer Science students, but for years this association also gathers young people who have interests in other fields as well or study at different faculties of Split’s university and some are even still in high school. The activities they organize are much broader than programming: there is a variety of different digital sectors – from design to marketing.

It is this versatile and diverse youth association that is “to blame” for the most popular student tech conference in Croatia – DUMP Days.

With a carefully designed program, this free conference provides excellent opportunities for both companies as employers and young people as their potential employees.

31 companies & 2000 visitors

Of course, we didn’t miss attending DUMP Days this year either, where we saw many well-known faces. Everyone was delighted with the diversity of the program and the excellent organization this time.

We especially enjoyed listening to the lecture by Ante Dagelić (GetByBus) “From internship to senior – building a career in IT” and the panel discussion “How will AI change the world?“, in which Nebojša Veron (Blank), Danijel Temraz (Infobip), Danilo Trebješanin (Locastic), and Mateo Perak (Profico) participated as panelists and were moderated by Pinija Poljaković (Art Media).

In addition to the main program of the conference, which was held in the large amphitheater, various workshops, smaller format panels called Campfire Talks, and speed date job interviews, better known as Fly Talks, were held in smaller classrooms, the atrium and the “aquarium“.

The exhibition space was full of interesting things that the sponsors used to attract young visitors – from programming tasks that won you prizes to photobooths and games – there was something for everyone!

In the two days of the conference, DUMP Days were visited by almost 2000 people!

High school and university students, who make up the majority of visitors every year, are delighted with the conference, and the companies that presented their work at the seventh DUMP Days are no different.

What do IT companies say?

We decided to bring you several impressions of some of the IT companies that are members of the Split Tech City community.

“The DUMP Days conference, like every year so far, exceeded our expectations. Given that we have been following the conference since its early beginnings, we are very pleased to see how much the conference itself has matured.

The atmosphere at the conference never disappoints and we are grateful to DUMP for the opportunity to meet such a large number of new faces every year and present our company, what we do, and how we do it,” Anđela Krašić told us on behalf of the Extension Engine.

“littlecode had an incredible experience at the DUMP Days conference this year as well. We have been participating for many years and look forward to the conference every time. The goal of participation is to connect with students, share knowledge from the IT world, and inspire others on their way to an IT career. At our stand, we had different merch, a quiz for developers, and a basketball game that attracted numerous participants.

Our representative, CEO Nikola Perić, also participated in Fly Talks, where he had the opportunity to meet interested students and share with them information related to our agency.

We are proud to have been part of this event and we look forward to future collaborations!” said Ines Puzić from littlecode.

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“Cooperation with students has proven to be an excellent way of working in IT Sistemi for years. Numerous valuable members of our team took their first steps in IT Sistemi as students, after which they stayed, progressed, and grew into top experts. We continue to build upon that, and DUMP Days are an ideal opportunity to bring together tech companies and students eager for new opportunities. It is for this reason that we are happy to take part in it this year.

Considering that we are a company that combines many years of experience and modern technologies, the idea was born to have something “retro” in the technological sense at the stand, and that’s how we came up with the legendary Play Station 1.

The visitors stopped with nostalgia and enthusiastically played one of their favorite games, Crash Bandicoot.

In addition to PS, our creative colleague brought a game he made himself to our booth, which also turned out to be an absolute hit. There was, of course, various merch with the IT Sistemi logo for all participants.

To provide visitors with the best information, our HR representative was constantly present at the stand and readily answered all questions. There was great interest in opportunities within the company, but also in the way of working, as well as in details about our products and clients.

We hope that we have at least brought the young people a little closer to how much influence we have in the fintech world and where our products can be found in leading banks, insurance companies, etc.

It is certainly worth highlighting the engagement of our colleagues, which exceeded all expectations. There were several colleagues at the stand the whole time, while a large number participated in the panels, Fly Talks, and lectures. Juniors, seniors, leaders – we all had a great time together, met numerous quality potential colleagues and, we hope, gave answers to the questions of who IT Sistemi is and what they do”, Marina Rušić from IT Sistemi enthusiastically shared her impressions with us.

What to say about DUMP Days in the end?

One thing only: well done, DUMP! You’ve outdone yourself once again! 😀

Text: Romana Ban
Photos: DUMP Association


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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