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Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Infobip is a new member of the Split Tech City community!

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


We are proud that our work on connecting and strengthening the Split technology community was recognized by the first Croatian unicorn – the company Infobip.

Founded in 2006 in Vodnjan, today Infobip operates globally through more than 70 offices around the world, employing over 3,300 people.

Infobip – the star of the Croatian tech scene

Frane Bebić, Site Leader, revealed more about their work, with an emphasis on the team at the Split office.

They have 2 development centers in Croatia – the Pangea campus in Vodnjan and the Alpha Centauri campus in Zagreb, with offices in Split, Rijeka, and Osijek.

“Infobip is one of the world leaders in communication platforms, technology that combines text – SMS/MMS, Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram, Messenger, Live Chat, email – and Voice services into unique systems: CPaaS and SaaS.”

The list of clients includes social networks, internet companies, mobile messaging applications, banks, marketing agencies, and corporations, as well as non-profit organizations and public institutions.

Alpha Centauri – Infobip’s Development Center in Zagreb
Employment in the Split office

The Split office was opened in 2019, and Frane says that they currently have 70 employees in our city, of which 44 are in Engineering and Product development.

“By the end of the year, we plan to hire at least one more new team in the area of development. Specifically, we will be looking for Mid/Senior Java engineers.”

Additionally, in other Split departments – Developer Experience, Legal, Customer Facing departments, etc. – they also expect growth during 2023.

“And through the Internship program for students, we employ 5-10 new engineers every year.”

Diversity of projects and technologies

As Infobip is a product company, Frane admits it is difficult for them to single out one project or collaboration that they are most proud of.

“The challenges and complexity we face within the products we develop in Split are not something that is common and is certainly something that every engineer would like to face.”

In the products they develop in the Split office, they use several technologies, of which Java, React (JavaScript), PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Redis, Apache Kafka, and RabbitMQ stand out.

“Technology is constantly changing, and we follow current world standards.”

Infobip’s software solutions are also used by communication platforms of well-known global brands such as Viber, WhatsApp, Uber, etc.

“The services we work on are highly-available, stable, and resilient. Details related to the tech stack and architecture can be found in our Engineering Handbook,” Frane points out.

Frane Bebić
Expansion of partnerships

Infobip’s partner network consists of leading telecom operators, technology companies, banks, and e-commerce companies such as Oracle, Microsoft, Vodafone, and Adobe or, on the domestic market, Hrvatski Telekom.

Infobip is constantly recording the growth of the number of partners, which has even quadrupled in the last year and a half.

Strategic partnerships are part of the Infobip Partner Connect Program, which helps partners and their clients to digitally transform their businesses.

Contribution to the development of the developer scene

Infobip Shift Conference is one of the ways that Infobip contributes to the development of the developer community. In addition, Infobip also promotes the technologies and values it builds through a series of smaller meetups around the world.

Infobip’s Startup Tribe is a program that brings together the most innovative domestic and global startups, providing them with several benefits for their further growth and development, including the use of Infobip’s global cloud communication platform and other solutions.

This startup support program is implemented by Infobip in cooperation with the companies Google and Goldman Sachs.

In just over a year, Infobip Startup Tribe gathered over 170 startups from over 50 countries, and Croatian startups are at the very top in terms of applications and membership.

By cooperating with the technological giant Google and the world’s largest investment bank Goldman Sachs, Infobip additionally opens the door to the global market for the domestic startup ecosystem.

The dynamism of the labor market in the tech sector

Despite the current macroeconomic situation, an increase in the demand for tech staff is still visible, as well as an increase in the number of tech companies. The aforementioned led to an increase in the financial aspect and the obvious struggle of employers in the labor market for the best quality people.

“The expectations of employees in the sector are quite high and we as a company try to follow them to ensure competitiveness in the market.”

They see the appearance of more and more companies on the market as a benefit and expect positive changes in cooperation and joint building of the tech community.

One of Infobip’s goals, Frane points out, is to increase the capacity and expertise of tech education at the University of Split and professional studies, where there is room for progress, especially through direct cooperation between the faculty and tech companies and the joint creation of teaching programs.

“Together we can provide a much higher quality of students and better prepare them for the transition to the world of work after studies.”

High school and university students visiting Infobip’s Split office with Split Tech City
Welcome to Split Tech City!

Due to the possibility of joint cooperation and the creation of a local environment that will be stimulating the growth of young tech forces, Infobip joined the Split Tech City community.

“Additional benefits that we see are the sharing of knowledge among experts from different areas of the tech industry, as well as opportunities for cooperation, both on a professional level and in acting towards the community through various actions and initiatives of Split Tech City,” Frane pointed out at the end of our conversation.

Infobip, thank you for your trust, and – welcome!


About author:

Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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