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Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Digital nomad’s guide to life in Split (pt.2)

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


funny photo of a digital nomad dressed as an astronaut
Where we left off…

Last time we left you on our digital nomad hitchhiker journey through life in Split around all that talk about money matters. However, now it is time for the fun stuff: food, entertainment, travel, and the local community.

So, tighten your seatbelts, and off we go!

Food: where to buy & where to eat out in Split?

When it comes to food, supermarkets are the places where we get most of our groceries. Depending on their size, their offer will vary: the larger ones generally have a greater selection of products. You can get fresh fruits and vegetables in most supermarkets. However, locals prefer to buy fresh produce at the local market called Pazar.

We usually know where you can get “the good stuff” at Pazar, so ask any local what vendor they prefer, and they will let you know.

Keep in mind that people selling fresh produce at Pazar might not speak English well or at all because many of them are older. Payments there are done with cash only.

Supermarkets have sections for freshly baked bread, but various bakeries around the city will have more selection of bread and related products. We usually go to the bakeries to have more to choose from, or if they are closer to our homes, but bread from the supermarkets is also tasty, and some of it even comes from the bakery chains you can see around town.

If you have a sweet tooth, pastry shop Tradicija and Nadalina chocolate shop are located in the city center and offer local products to satisfy your sugar cravings and show you a bit of Split in a different way. Ice creams are tasty in any of the ice cream parlors in the center, but we are sure if you try some of them yourself, you will most certainly find a personal preference.

When it comes to restaurants, Split has a very varied offer: from more pricey restaurants oriented towards an elevated culinary experience to local konobas offering hearty dishes of Dalmatian comfort food, and anything in between. Prices follow the offer, of course.
Because of tourism, TripAdvisor is a good starting point for any research on restaurants if you do not have a local who will advise you. If you are in the mood for ordering in, you can use and Wolt for online orders from Split’s numerous restaurants.

One thing is certain: you definitely will not be hungry here.

We love food, we love to eat, and we love introducing foreigners to our local dishes.

If you happen to visit some of us in our home, we will keep offering food to you. You will not be able to leave hungry!

Good places to have coffee (and get some work done) in Split

We enjoy food and with it our coffee! We drink our coffee slowly: sipping it over idle chat with friends or alone while reading the newspaper or a good book. That is why no one will find it odd if you sit in a cafe for a couple of hours accompanied by a cup of coffee and do your work.

Most of the places that serve coffee also have wifi you can use. You might have to ask the waiter for the password, but most will have the wifi name and password written on the menu or on the receipt you get with your order.

In the old town, D16, Mavrcvs Marvlvs, and Teak are coffee shops most frequented by digital nomads for a cup of coffee and some work to be done. While D16 and Teak might get lively, Marcvs Marvlvs is a library-bar so it is usually quieter, especially during the day.

Co-working spaces in Split

Co-working spaces slowed down a bit due to the global situation we have found ourselves in. They were on a steady rise here in Split, but things have changed, and unfortunately, some of them closed their doors.

The activity of coworking spaces is dependent on state regulations regarding the pandemic. If you require a co-working space, you can visit their websites and/or social media and contact them to check availability and current rules about this matter.

We all hope that coworking will be the norm once again as soon as possible and that co-working spaces in Split will continue to flourish.

Split Tech City

As an association that gathers Split’s tech community together, we organize events with our community in mind but are open to any individual who wishes to join us.

Some of the events that we are sure would interest you as a digital nomad are the OpenCoffee Split meetup or the Women In Tech meetup. They are fun and inspirational events excellent for broadening horizons and networking.

We also organize events for young people: Motivational Conference and Summer Internships presentation. If you feel like your story could contribute to inspiring Split’s young minds, we would like for you to share it during events like these.

The members of our community are well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions, and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the technology sector of Split and the surrounding region.

We hope you would like to be a part of our community during your stay in Split and are sure you will meet some great people!

Follow Split Tech City on social media for any updates, or contact us if you have any questions – we are here for you!

Sports, culture, and entertainment in Split

Whether you are more into arts and culture or sports and outdoor activities, there is something to do in your spare time for everyone in Split. With numerous theaters, museums, galleries, concert halls, clubs, and sports venues, you are sure to find varied options for entertainment here.

You can find an excellent overview of current events in Split on Info Zona’s calendar. However, we also encourage you to explore on your own: many venues and associations post regular updates on their social media, so the only thing you need to do is find something that interests you and follow!

How to visit sights close to Split?

You can visit many nearby cities and sights by bus. While Split bus station has its website, we would suggest using GetByBus for planning your journey. If you would like to join a guided tour of Croatia’s National Parks or sights in neighboring countries, local travel agencies offer a variety of choices for good prices, especially in the off-season period.

If you would like to avoid public transport and travel by car, you will find a good fit in one of many car rentals in Split. Another option for traveling is renting a vehicle with a driver from one of the local transfer companies – it gives you more freedom when it comes to your traveling schedule and it is not too expensive if you travel as a group and split the cost.

You can reach any islands by ferries and catamarans. Jadrolinija has the most lines, but Kapetan Luka also has good lines connecting Split to Dubrovnik with stops on several islands in between. Both offer the option of buying tickets online. And if you would like an overview of all ferry lines, no matter the company, GetByFerry has got you covered.

When it comes to connectivity, Split is positioned well geographically as a central point to visit the hinterland, the islands, continental Croatia, southern Croatia, and Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Our city is a perfect base location for day trips and weekend getaways!

Come to Split!

So, come to Split for a while as soon as you can! We can not wait to welcome you to our city and our tech community and make you feel at home here, no matter how long you plan to stay. You are guaranteed to have an excellent work-life balance here and enjoy many things.

This short digital nomad hitchhiker’s guide through the galaxy of Split is written just to give you an idea about what to expect from life here. We hope it will convince you to give Split a chance and serve as help when you need information once you come here.

However, do not forget you can always ask a local. We certainly know even more tips and tricks about our hometown than the internet does!


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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