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Everything is ready for STup!2022 startup competition!

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


This year’s STup! competition is almost here making Split the global stage for university startups and entrepreneurship once more! As usual, the Student Business Incubator team has been hard at work to launch the STup! rocket for the third time in a row.

Following their original vision and mission by continuing to encourage entrepreneurial awareness and skills among young people, the Student Business Incubator at the Faculty of Economics in Split, in cooperation with the University of Split and the Alliance of the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU) organizes the third edition of STup! – the international university startup competition – with the support of the City of Split and the Split-Dalmatia County through the project ICT Županija.

About this year’s STup! competition

This year’s competition will be held on June 17th and 18th in a hybrid form at the Faculty of Economics, University of Split. A video broadcast of the event will be available on the official website of STup! startup competition.

The STup!2022 program is packed with competition-related activities, interesting lectures, an engaging panel, as well as many possibilities for networking.

The organizers from the Student Business Incubator shared the following with us: “As the name of the competition suggests, the competition highlights are students, startups, and Split.

With this event, we want to enable the startup teams and other competition visitors to connect with each other, improve entrepreneurial culture among students, and exchange ideas and experiences at the international level.

During the two competition days, the city of Split will be a stage of innovation, new technologies, and ideas with which the university projects that will be presented will try to secure the attention of renowned experts in the jury panel, as well as potential clients and investors.

Last year’s STup! competition

We are proud that STup! always manages to bring together local and international startups, young and seasoned entrepreneurs, as well as representatives of incubators, accelerators, companies, and investors.

This chance to meet and engage together is of utmost importance for all of them and for the continuous development of the entrepreneurial mindset among students.”

STup!2022 is not just a startup competition

The STup!2022 panel of judges and speakers gathered numerous experts in the world of startups, and particularly student startups, which gives great opportunities to all the participants to, not only network and meet possible future investors, but also be inspired for this and any future ventures.

This year’s jury panel is composed of experts from Austria, Germany, Hungary, the United Kingdom, Poland, and Croatia, and will have a tough task of choosing the best from a selection of 42 startup teams representing 21 universities from 16 countries around the world:

  • Stuttgart Media University (Germany)
  • The University of Malta (Malta)
  • The University of Western Brittany (France)
  • The University of Gdansk (Poland)
  • The University of Cadiz and The University of Malaga (Spain)
  • The University of Belgrade and The University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
  • The University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • The University of Haifa (Israel)
  • The University of St. Cyril and Methodius (Macedonia)
  • McGill University (Canada)
  • The University Sains Malaysia and Taylor’s University (Malaysia)
  • The University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
  • Cafoscari University Venezia (Italy)
  • Mohanlal Sukhadia University (India)
  • Canadian Institute of Technology (Albania)
  • The University of Split, The University of Zagreb, and Algebra University (Croatia)
STup!2021 winners

The university startups will compete according to the following categories:

  • agri-tech and bioeconomics
  • logistics and mobility
  • energy and environmental sustainability
  • robotics and AI/ML
  • blue economy
  • education
  • financial technology and tourism
  • medicine and quality of life

In addition to the competition, STup!2022 will also feature a business panel discussing universities and innovation, as well as these three interesting lectures:

  • Maciej Kraus: “Pricing = best justification for your product-market fit”
  • Andreas Spechtler: “From the Idea to Global Success”
  • Veronica Kirin: “Building Your Empire: How to scale your business without losing your sh*t”
The great prizes for STup!2022 winners

At the end of the two-day competition, the best team will win the title of “Best University Startup 2022” and some valuable awards. The main STup!2022 prizes were provided by:

  • Wolves Summit – participation and presentation at the largest business conference in Central and Eastern Europe, which brings together startups and investors
  • Infobip – three startups will be rewarded with $ 20,000, $ 15,000 and $ 10,000 in Infobip credits
  • Silicon Castles – the best teams will ensure their participation in the “Startup Executive Academy” run by Silicon Castles, a strategic business accelerator from Austria
  • EIT Urban Mobility – for the best teams in the category of mobility and transport, a two-month preparatory program for the EIT acceleration program that provides a € 30,000 investment for startups

The best startups will also win valuable prizes in the form of licenses for various useful startup tools, such as SendPulse, TeamGantt, and Pixlr.

Other STup!2022 supporters

In addition to STup! supporters who will offer valuable awards for winning startup teams, it is worth mentioning the competition partners from the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) and BA-COM who financially supported the organization of STup!2022.

Furthermore, Dalmacijavino – Pipi will provide drinks for participants, while the Split Tourist Board will make sure the international guests have unforgettable experiences here in Split, and Promet Split will provide support with free transportation for all participants during the event.

The opening ceremony of STup!2021

This competition is the perfect opportunity for university startups to connect with the international startup community and be noticed by European startup investors making STup!2022 a not-to-miss international event in our local startup ecosystem.

Therefore, keep an eye on STup! website and social media for any updates, follow all activities and announcements of the Student Business Incubator, and get ready for another great tech event in Split! 😀

Photos by: Student Business Incubator


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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