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Split Tech City Members Highlight: Varyence

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


We have another #MembersHighlight spotlight for you! This time we shine a light on a Split Tech City community member who also has another passionstartups! While they’re working hard at what they do best and are being great at it, they also find a way to nurture up-and-coming talent.

The startup-enthusiastic #SplitTechCityMember team we’re highlighting today is – Varyence!

About Varyence

Varyence is a multinational company founded in 2012 in New York with offices in Ukraine, Croatia, and the USA. The company was initially focused on commercializing the products of American companies at an early stage of development.

Nowadays, Varyence is run by two American and one Ukrainian partner. They currently have over 100 employees who help clients with the commercialization of software products, web and mobile device development, AI/ML/IoT, cyber security, and cloud infrastructure services.

Overall, the Varyence team has more than a million hours of experience in varied technology projects.

Their business journey brought them to Split in 2021. While looking for a new location in addition to their existing offices in the US and Ukraine, the Varyence team evaluated many countries based on English fluency, the development of the local tech scene, the cost of living, and the availability of tech talent.

Croatia, and especially Split, captured their attention. In particular because of the open and friendly people and the general Mediterranean spirit.

When asked to share some of their business highlights, this is what the team said: “80% of our customers have been with us since we founded our company. 99% of our business is word of mouth. We are very proud of that.”

And such an excellent track record does not come without a splendid team! This is what Jason, the Varyence CTO, had to say about it:

“Employees are our first priority, before customers and profits. Without satisfied employees, the company will not be successful either!”

If you’d like to join the Varyence team, we suggest you keep an eye on their open positions.

One part of the Varyence team
Most recent Varyence news and updates

We mentioned the passion for startups this team has. One way they aid startups is through the Varyence Passport Fund Program.

It is a program created by the Varyence team specifically for startups and we had the opportunity to learn more about it during a “Locals’n’Nomads” meetup directly from Jason and Vickie, both of whom are the guiding force behind many things Varyence, including their Croatian office.

With this program, the Varyence team aids non-technical startup founders in launching SaaS businesses by investing from 50K to 250K euros into startups that they partner with.

Jason presenting the Varyence Passport Fund during the Split Startups Meetup

They help startups with business strategy, go-to-market strategy, prototyping, and MVP development, as well as provide all the technological leadership required to get the product successfully to market.

Aside from aiding startups with the Varyence Passport Fund Program, there’s also another great thing the Varyence team does that we would like to highlight – they share their knowledge and know-how!

They do that via their blog where you can find a lot of insightful information and advice.

Furthermore, we would also like to point you towards their CTO Jason and his LinkedIn profile where he often posts advice and personal insights from his many years of experience in the tech and startup world.

Well, that’s a wrap on another #MembersHighlight story. We wish the hardworking Varyence team a lot of success at what they do!


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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