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Split Tech City Members Highlight: NAIS

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


With the Split Tech City community being as lively as it is, we decided to initiate this series to highlight the work of the companies that are a part of it. All of Split’s tech companies are hard at work doing what they do best in their respective fields and each and every one of them deserves its time in the spotlight. This series will make sure that happens!

So, let’s highlight our first #SplitTechCityMember team – NAIS! 😀

Get to know NAIS

Niko Airport Information System, abbreviated as NAIS, is a company that develops software solutions for airports. NAIS has been operating since 1992, and it is interesting to note that the company was initially a computer education school.

One day, the Split Airport team approached the NAIS team and asked if they could make an application for them. The rest, as we’d say – is history!

It started with small programs. Over time the business grew, and in the end, as a company, the NAIS team decided to work exclusively with airports.

As we mentioned, their first client was Split Airport. After a few years, the director of Split Airport transferred to Dubrovnik, which opened up new opportunities for NAIS because he invited them to do the same for Dubrovnik Airport. Soon Zadar and Pula airports followed.

Today, NAIS is the only company in Croatia that deals exclusively with the development of software solutions for airports. Their goal is to simplify the work process for clients and provide passengers with a better travel experience.

Some of the many examples of solutions they offer are their self-check-in terminal and web-check-in module, through which passengers can check in for the flight themselves, which significantly shortens their time waiting in lines at the airport.

The NAIS team always points out that their main activity is cooperating with airports on technical issues and developing new modules and solutions that specialize in optimizing the procedure of processing passengers and luggage, as well as aircraft supply.

They continuously work “behind the screens” to make travel an enjoyable experience while following global trends related to the aviation industry and the implementation of new processes.

With the help of the NAIS system, airports have been able to increase their productivity many times over and have been able to manage all processes through a single system.

Although NAIS operates as a small team, over the years they have honed and further developed their airport system, which is currently used by all airports in Croatia, as well as the airports abroad.

When talking about the NAIS team, Goran Leutar, the CEO of NAIS, shared the following with us: “Given that we are still a small company, technical skills are very important to us, but character traits – not any less so.

Not everyone has to love everyone else, but they do have to respect each other.

At the moment, we have people of different personalities in the company, but they all fit well together as a team. When talking to a candidate during a job interview, I always ask myself ‘Is this person someone I would like to have coffee with?’. If the answer is yes, they will probably fit really well within the NAIS team.”

The NAIS team is also currently looking for a new colleague who is a backend developer, so if you fit the job description and are proactive, independent, and willing to learn, joining them could be the right thing for you!

And now that we covered some NAIS basics, let’s see what recent news they have to share! 😀

Most recent NAIS news and updates

Goran also gave us an update on the team’s most recent success: “At the beginning of this month, we marked a new milestone in our 30 years of doing business.

Based on the successful cooperation so far, on October 3rd at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of the University of Zagreb, we signed an Agreement on Business and Technical Cooperation with the Faculty.

The goal of this is to formalize scientific and academic cooperation in the field of air traffic.

The agreement in question will aid the realization of mutual business cooperation in the use and upgrade of software tools that are being used for the organization and management of airport operations and processes but specifically focused on the needs required for teaching and scientific research performed by students and researchers of the Faculty.

By the end of 2023, two university courses will start using the NAIS system in their curriculum. The plan is to have the NAIS system regularly integrated as part of the program of 7 courses by 2024. This means that all students who major in air traffic and those working on PhDs in this field will be studying, working, and doing scientific research papers using the NAIS system.

When these young people graduate, they can start working at any airport using NAIS without any delay or need for additional training.

It’s a great honor for us at NAIS that our efforts and hard work over 30 years have resulted in this kind of recognition by the academic community. NAIS is now formally part of the future of education!

I have to stress that none of this would be possible without the continuing support and guidance from technologists from Split Airport who have helped us build this great system by sharing their knowledge and experience.

However, the greatest contribution to this success goes to all the people who have worked at NAIS before and who still work at NAIS.

These people and their insatiable hunger for knowledge, their unwavering dedication, and continuous hard work have made NAIS what it is today. I’m proud to call them my colleagues!”

And with this proud statement from Goran, we would like to wrap up this #MembersHighlight story. We wish the NAIS team continuous growth and success!


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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