Don’t miss the 4th edition of the Split Tech City Festival!

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Are you ready for Split Tech City’s Startups Meetup?!

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


Both, the Student Business Incubator team and the Split Tech City team sure are! 😀

We already let you know that this year we will initiate our Startups Meetup. And we were happy to witness your excitement about this new event upon the release of the initial announcement. It means this idea we had was the right one!

Now, you’ve been patient enough in awaiting the details about the first edition of this event. So, here are the basics you need to know!

The first edition of the Startups Meetup will take place at The Works Coworking on Thursday, February 16th, at 18:00. And you can sign up to attend by filling out our registration form!

And now – we come to the details about the content of the Startups Meetup. We did promise you more than just networking, after all! Even though networking is important and can yield fantastic opportunities.

The concept of the Startups Meetup is such that, aside from the networking, you will always get an engaging panel discussion and an interesting lecture.

But we will also try to add other startup-interesting things to this meetup whenever there’s an opportunity to do so!

The panel discussion

During the first edition of the Startups Meetup, the panel discussion will be focused on building a global business from Croatia.

Hence its title: “Leaving Croatia without leaving Croatia”.

The panelists who will take the stage to discuss this particular topic will be Dario Boras (Parklio), Mario Frančešević (SeekandHit), and Ivan Mrvoš (Include). They will be mercilessly grilled with questions by the most ruthless panel moderator in our startup ecosystem – Michael Freer (ENSOCO).

We wish the panelists a lot of luck and know for a fact the audience will have fun during this one! 😉

Michael keeping the #STCFestival2022 panelists and audience on the edge of their seats
The lecture

After everyone in attendance survives the panel discussion, Andreas Spechtler of Silicon Castles will take the stage.

His lecture is titled: “From an Idea to Global Success”.

Those who are active in Split’s startup ecosystem know Andreas well from his collaboration with the Student Business Incubator, as well as from his role as a strict but very insightful judge at STup! and Get In The Ring startup competitions. In addition to that, he is also the CEO of Silicon Castles.

Andreas giving a lecture during a startup-themed “Locals’n’Nomads” meetup

Silicon Castles is a Tech Company Builder and Strategic Business Accelerator that focuses on “European Diamonds” – technology startups with unique business ideas solving real problems, scalable technology, and outstanding Intellectual Property.

Many European startups have great technologies and great talents but do not know how to create global success. Andreas will demonstrate how to successfully build up a startup from the initial idea to global success using the “Tower for Success” methodology.

To better illustrate the topic he will be discussing during his lecture, Andreas will be joined by the VIABIRDS startup team who use their technology and expertise to enable their customers to successfully implement scalable and specific eGrocery applications in retail.

That way you will get not only a lecture about a certain topic but also a real-life example of its practical application. A win-win in our book! 🙂

Cherry on top

The cherry on top that will wrap up the content phase of our Startups Meetup will come from the ever-growing and very active Split Tech City community as the Varyence team representative will take the stage to briefly present the Varyence Passport Fund for startups – another great opportunity startups can benefit from!

And then it will be time for networking. We’re sure you’ll have lots to discuss after you hear all that. So – are you ready?! We have a feeling this meetup is going to be a blast!

Don’t miss out and sign up – we’re waiting for you at the Startups Meetup! 😀


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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