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Apply for Sarajevo Innovations Festival

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


Sarajevo Innovations Festival – abbreviated as SIFI – is an exhibition of student works that gathers engineering students in the fields of electrical engineering, information technology, mechanical engineering, and other related academic fields from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.

It was founded in 2016 by the then-board of STELEKS.

The STELEKS association was formed in 1968 and is a proud recipient of the 6th April Award of the City of Sarajevo. Furthermore, STELEKS is in charge of many successful projects such as SIFI, Steleksijada, New Year’s Quiz, and 8th of March Quiz, as well as organizing students’ participation in competitions such as Elektrijada and STEM Games.

At Sarajevo Innovations Festival, in addition to the presentation of student works, which is the competitive part of the event, there are also lectures and workshops about various current topics related to students, science, and engineering.

The goal of SIFI is to encourage students to be innovative and write papers, and to become a recognizable technical and science fair, which will benefit both students and companies participating in SIFI.

Scientific papers are evaluated by reviewers, distinguished professors, and experts in the field of engineering and technology.

Based on their assessments, decisions are made regarding which papers will have the chance to be presented at the event. In the competitive segment of the event, the papers of all participants will be evaluated by a committee according to the following criteria:

  • Applicability
  • Innovativeness
  • Compliance with the IEEE Format

Based on the total of all scores, a ranking list is created, and the best papers are awarded accordingly.

Sarajevo Innovations Festival 2024

This year the Sarajevo Innovations Festival will take place on October 19 at Hotel Europe in Sarajevo.

The event is separated into three segments:

Sarajevo Innovations Festival Competition

In this part of the Sarajevo Innovations Festival, participants will present their works to the expert jury. Information on the duration of the presentation will be sent to participants via e-mail. After the presentation, a fair of the presented works will take place. Here the participants will have the opportunity to present their innovations and ideas to the visitors of the Sarajevo Innovation Festival.

Sarajevo Innovations Festival Educational Content

In this segment of the Sarajevo Innovations Festival, visitors will have the opportunity to hear speakers from the world of science, business, and technology and meet peers who have turned their ideas into reality and implemented them through business.

Sarajevo Innovations Festival Connect HUB

The organizers of the Sarajevo Innovations Festival are especially proud of their Connect HUB – a unique networking zone that will enrich everyone’s experience at SIFI.

At the Connect HUB, all competitors and visitors will have the opportunity to have a direct conversation with representatives of Sarajevo Innovations Festival partner companies. These companies, in turn, will have the opportunity to meet potential future employees and present themselves in the best light.

Connect HUB is designed as a relaxed and dynamic segment with a clear purpose: to enable young people to expand their professional horizons and better prepare for the labor market. In the Connect HUB, you will find inspiration, networking opportunities, and valuable advice that can help you on your professional journey.

Apply until October 10 and join this year’s Sarajevo Innovations Festival! 😀


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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