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Reg3 Split Conference offers insights into the future regulation of blockchain and cryptocurrencies

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


The Association for Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (UBiK) has announced the second edition of the Reg3 Split conference, which will be held on Monday, May 27, in Split at the AC Hotel by Marriott Split, starting from 11:00.

The Reg3 Split conference, under the auspices of the crypto exchange Electrocoin, is an unmissable event on the regulatory topic of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, bringing together regulatory structures with industry entities and legal experts in a joint dialogue.

Entry to the event is free – with mandatory registration – and the language of the event is English.

This year’s edition of the Reg3 Split conference will bring together 18 carefully selected speakers who will cover the latest regulatory topics related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

What does monitoring of crypto transactions look like in practice? What are the experiences of crypto firms from various jurisdictions? How is crypto regulation changing in the EU and beyond?

Along with the answers to these questions, the Reg3 Split conference will include the experiences and discussions of regulators and regulated entities from the crypto industry, both from the EU and outside it, with a special emphasis on the countries of the Western Balkans.

The Reg3 Split conference will be attended by numerous prominent speakers, among whom stand out:

  • Álvaro Garcia – technical manager of the transaction verification platform SumSub
  • Ivana Poršinsky – senior adviser for consumer protection at the Croatian National Bank
  • Ilya Volkov – CEO of YouHodler
  • Aldion Baze – Director of DTL Market Supervision of the Albanian Financial Supervisory Agency (AFSA)

Reg3 Split is a one-day event held as part of the three-day BlockSplit conference. It is also a key event for anyone interested in the future of blockchain and cryptocurrency regulation.

As a kind of platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and information about the regulatory framework that includes blockchain and cryptocurrencies, the Reg3 Split conference aims to continue building bridges between regulatory authorities and the crypto industry, encouraging cooperation and a better understanding of the industry, because these are the key factors that will guide the further development of blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency industry and their adequate and timely regulation.

For more information about the conference, registration, and participation, visit the Reg3 Split website!


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