Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Tražim.hr is a new member of the Split Tech City community!

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


Recently, the Split Tech City community became richer for another member – Tražim.hr!

Tražim.hr is a company that primarily deals with creating new ideas and encouraging innovation, so we spoke with Darija Milić who revealed everything about their business and the excellent digital platform they have built.

A platform that connects freelancers and clients

The young team behind this company developed the platform of the same name.

Tražim.hr is a digital solution for simple and quick connection of freelancers with customers or clients.

Their goal, Darija points out, is to promote cooperation and connection efficiently and safely. The platform is intended for all those who are looking for work, but also for clients who want to find the best experts for the execution of a certain task in just a few clicks.

What problems does the Tražim.hr platform solve?

Darija explained how the Tražim.hr platform solves several problems that are often associated with freelancing and job searching:

  • Finding clients: For freelancers, the biggest challenge can often be finding new clients. This platform allows freelancers to connect with potential clients worldwide.
  • Transaction security: Payment security can be a big problem for freelancers. Tražim.hr solves this problem by offering a secure payment system that protects both parties.
  • Quality of work: Clients can often have difficulty finding freelancers with the right skills or experience. The platform solves this problem by allowing clients to review freelancer profiles, their ratings, and reviews before hiring them.
  • Project Management: Coordination and communication can be challenging when working with freelancers, especially if they are in different time zones. Tražim.hr platform facilitates this process by offering tools for project management, communication, and collaboration.
Creative solutions that improve life

The young Tražim.hr team, as Darija points out, is dedicated to researching and developing creative solutions that can improve various aspects of life: “We believe in the power of new ideas and their role in creating positive changes and providing solutions for the everyday challenges we face.”

Also, the desire for innovation leads them to cooperate with promising startups. They understand the importance of supporting and investing in young companies that bring innovative products and services to the market.

“Our investment in startups is based on faith in their potential growth and building a sustainable and prosperous business.”

The Tražim.hr team currently consists of four extremely valuable team members who contribute daily to the continuous development of the Tražim.hr platform. Although they currently do not have fixed offices, they are looking forward to having a permanent work base soon.

“Even though working remotely has proven to be excellent for the achievement of our goals so far, we believe that having an office space where we can all come together will provide even greater stability and the possibility of new collaborations.”

Welcome to Split Tech City!

As for becoming Split Tech City members, Darija points out that it is an opportunity for them to join an innovative and supportive tech community:

Increased visibility and business opportunities are provided through education, skill development, inspiration, and support, so we considered joining the growing Split Tech community is an excellent opportunity for further progress.

Welcome to the Split Tech City community, Tražim.hr!


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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