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Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Elements is a new member of the Split Tech City community!

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


Some time ago The Works coworking was the place where the start of a creative entrepreneurial story called Elements was celebrated.

Elements is a new digital creative agency from Split but its team actually has more than 10 years of professional experience in website development, marketing, and photography.

The main “culprit” for everything is Klement Grgić, a multi-passionate designer who revealed to us the details of his new business venture.

Continuous learning is the key to growth

Klement went to the popular “Graphic School” in Split, majoring in web design (multimedia design), and already as a high school student was trained in design and photography. With his first jobs, and paired with technology development, came his continuous improvement.

He realized that design and marketing go hand in hand, so he devoted himself to learning marketing skills on his own.

His desire for new knowledge did not end there, so he also worked as a photographer, and for over 5 years he has been working at the renowned charter agency Adriatic Sailing as a marketing manager.

The perfect element for success

It is design, marketing, and photography that are the main backbone of his Elements agency, i.e. integral parts of a successful brand strategy.

“At Elements, we combine innovation, creativity, and expertise to create the perfect element for a client’s success.”

Elements focuses on the user, and Klement proudly points out: “We design for the user, not for designers.”

Following Design Thinking processes, but also thinking “outside the box”, Elements does not promise what it cannot fulfill.

These web and marketing experts will seamlessly blend the three key elements – design, marketing, and photography – to turn your vision into reality.

Welcome to the Split Tech City community!

Klement has been a member of the Split Tech City community for years; initially in the capacity of an enterprising individual, and now as an entrepreneur behind Elements – an agency that will soon be well known!

“I have been following Split Tech City since the very beginning and it is always a pleasure to read the news on your website, participate in your events, and network with people of similar values.

One of the first steps in the formal operation of Elements was very defined – to join the Split Tech City community because it is the environment I always wanted to be in – full of positivity, mutual support, joint growth, and giving back to society.”

Wishing a warm welcome to Elements! 🙂


About author:

Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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