Don’t miss the 4th edition of the Split Tech City Festival!

Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Split Tech City

Split Tech City


The team from also decided to join the Split Tech City community! Ian Paligorić, Marketing Automation Specialist, revealed more about their work.

Among the pioneers of Split’s tech scene is an online travel agency that has been bringing guests from all over the world to apartments, houses, hotel rooms, and lighthouses all over Croatia for over 20 years.

While others were still attracting guests through printed catalogs and by holding “Rooms available!” signs on the street, had its own website and set trends for the future, pointed out Ian, who we asked to tell us more about their origins.

Ian Paligorić

“The story started from a student room of our founder and grew year by year, setting trends in the development of online tourism through our products, websites, and accompanying services such as the reservation system, HRIS, accounting system, etc. Today, such an undertaking would be called a startup!

They are proud of the success of their people and everything they have achieved in the community over the past decades.

“We are among the initiators of Split’s tech scene, not only through the free PHP academies we once organized but also through the development of people within our ranks – many former employees are today themselves founders of some of the best local tech companies.”

People-centered approach as the main guiding force is fully privately owned by local entrepreneurial talent, and they plan to remain so, which positively reflects on all aspects of the business.

“Despite the growth and all the changes that happen every day, both within the agency and in the global market, we continue to cultivate a personal approach – among colleagues and in the relationship with owners of private accommodation, partners, and guests.”

Their guests, Ian points out, simply love when the offer is detailed and precise:

“There is no chance that they will be surprised by the distance to the sea or the number of steps they have to scale to go to the beach, and we always communicate in the language of their choice.”

At the same time, they have developed successful cooperation with large global services that mediate the renting of private accommodation, which is a great relief for their renters.

“While society is only talking about it to a greater extent today, at a humane and just approach, full of appreciation and respect for all differences, has been the main guiding principle from day one.”

From IT to marketing

Given that they foster in-house solutions, the profile of their employees is quite varied, but Ian managed to explain everything with ease:

“Maybe it’s best to start with our IT department, which has a backend and a frontend team. In their office, we can also find system engineers, who maintain the system and plan optimization. We must not forget about design either – we currently have one UX/UI designer, who works mostly on the website redesign.

This is only the tip of the iceberg that is, so now we can turn our attention to the marketing department – a young team focused on content, social media, automation, and PPC. The bearers of our brand ensure that a good voice is heard far and wide.

Of course, along with branding, they take care of reservations and attract new renters. Anyone willing to take on a challenge is always welcome in this department because, for those who express themselves, budgets and tools are almost unlimited!

Telling the’s story, we must not forget about our HR department, which all these years nurtured the culture of evaluation and progress of the entire company.

Other departments in the company are our Contact Center, the Reservations and Support Department, which employs native speakers of foreign languages, the Product Development Department, the Data Administration Department, Data Administration, and the Accounting and Finance Department.”

In short – quite a mix of skills, experience, and knowledge!

Current employment possibilities

They have about 50 employees, and they are looking for new colleagues:

“We are currently looking for senior backend developers and marketers. I think everyone would agree that we are not much different from most IT companies in the world,” Ian laughs and adds that they always have room in their team, both for experts and for young people ready to learn and develop.

“Every tourist season we hire young people who want to gain experience through tourism in digital marketing, sales, or customer support, helping them build the skills for the career they dream of.”

In addition to an excellent team, they are also proud of their former colleagues who work on all continents in the best companies in the world.

Welcome to the Split Tech City community!

We asked Ian why they decided to join us, and he told us:

“Because you’re awesome! We understand how much energy and enthusiasm is needed to kickstart community engagement, and Split Tech City does it in such a fantastic way!”

He also pointed out that they have been following our work since the very beginning, and have already participated in certain events, such as the Split Tech Cup humanitarian tournament. By joining the Split Tech City community, they want to further help and encourage the community to progress!

We are happy that it is so. Welcome,! 😀


About author:

Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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