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Get ready for MeasureCamp Split with the MeasureCamp Guide

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


MeasureCamp deliberately takes place on a non-workday, ensuring that every attendee is willing to give up a day of their time and really wants to attend the event, rather than seeking a day off work.

The day at Measure Camp Split will begin at 9 AM. 🙂

Upon registration and getting their goodie bags, the attendees will enjoy a tasty breakfast and a cup of coffee. Following this, a brief welcome and orientation session will serve to introduce the day to participants, and briefly explain how MeasureCamp works and what the day will look like.

The MeasureCamp Split will then kick off with an interactive session where participants collectively populate the MeasureCamp board.

This board serves as a dynamic matrix, listing available rooms and time slots for presentations and discussions. Time slots are usually 30-minute-long sessions on any topics related to data and analytics, digital marketing, and tracking.

Participants are encouraged to propose their preferred topics for inclusion, fostering the MeasureCamp Split collaborative atmosphere. Throughout the day, attendees will have the freedom to add new topics to the board, ensuring flexibility and responsiveness to evolving interests.

One important thing to note is that sales talks are discouraged at MeasureCamp Split! 😀

Sessions can be presentations, discussions, workshops, or any other format you can think of. They can be highly technical in nature or very business-focused, and the intended audience may be people just starting their careers or with years of experience in the topics.

There’s no prerequisite for preparing a session – it could simply commence with a work challenge or an idea for exchange among peers.

While attendance at sessions is not obligatory, active participation and contribution to the session board will enrich the MeasureCamp Split experience for all involved.

Participants are not obligated to give any session that day, but the organizers highly encourage it. By actively participating and contributing to the session board, attendees enhance their own MeasureCamp Split experience.

Since MeasureCamp Split is all about sharing knowledge, the team behind it believes in the “rule of two feet”.

That means, in case you find yourself in the wrong session – too beginner or too advanced, or it is simply not the topic you thought it would be – feel free to move to another session.

Next to the sessions, the organizers also planned some breaks reserved for lunch, afternoon snacks and drinks, as well as a closing speech. And to end the day, everyone who attended MeasureCamp Split will enjoy an amazing afterparty at the Plan B back bar.

We hope you’ll have a great time at the first-ever MeasureCamp Split! 😉


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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