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Studying in Split: Montserrat’s story

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


Last time we introduced you to Eva and her experiences in Split and now we continue with another story. And another international student who saw an excellent opportunity for further studies at Aspira College and for enjoying the lifestyle Split has to offer!

Montserrat Gaillard Bojanic comes all the way from La Paz, the capital of Bolivia.

Arrived in Split in February from the highest administrative capital in the world, resting on the Andes’ Altiplano plateau at more than 3,500 meters above sea level, to focus on studying Gastronomy at Aspira, Montserrat also found a home here in our hometown and shared impressions of life in Split with us.

Why did you choose to move to Split?

“I wanted to live closer to the sea and enjoy the security this city can provide to its citizens.”

Can you give us your opinion on the benefits of Split and life here?

“I really like that Split is a city small enough to be easy to get around, and that is also really safe overall.”

Do you have any suggestions regarding everyday life in Split?

“One suggestion I would definitely share with whoever asks me is to download the Promet App. It made moving around the city easier for me.”

Did you connect with someone from Split outside of your student group?

“Not yet, but I’m looking forward to it!”

How did coming to Split change you?

“It made me much more independent which in turn made me grow as a person.”

What is the thing you’ve struggled with the most when you started living here and how did you cope?

“One thing I really struggled with was trying to find a place to live. It wasn’t easy, but I hear locals have trouble with it, too, so that’s maybe something that can be improved here.”

How much did the Aspira team and the local students ease your transition to this new environment?

“A lot! All were really kind and very helpful!”

What do you like the most about studying at Aspira?

“I love the flexibility the study program offers.”

What is the most important lesson that you’ve learned while living in Split?

“Don’t rely too much on Google Maps – you’ll get lost!”

Is there anything you miss about Bolivia aside from your family and friends?

“I miss our food a lot!”

Give five tips about moving here to your past self!

“Try to find a place to live with months in advance, have patience with the police department and the registration process there, download the Promet App sooner, try to walk as much as you can because Split is really walkable, and go to beaches further away from the city center because they’re nicer and a lot less crowded.”

In the end, share with us a few things you love about Split as a city and Split’s people!

“When it comes to the city itself, I love its size and that it’s walkable, its security, the Adriatic Sea it’s surrounded with, and that Aspira College is here. And the city’s people are very kind and so relaxed – I love that about them!”

We hope that Montserrat will continue enjoying her time studying at Aspira and living here in Split! 😀

Photos: Aspira


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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