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Studying in Split: Eva’s story

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


So far we shared a lot of various experiences of people who moved to Split: be it through digital nomad profiles, interviews, or the Split Tech City podcast. By doing this we wanted to hear both the good and the bad – the reasons Split and Croatia attracted foreigners, and things they think we can improve.

In continuing this series of sharing a variety of international experiences lived in Split, we are now focusing on international students. Through our collaboration with one of Split Tech City’s community membersAspira College – we found out they have quite a few international students who are willing to share their experiences.

The first such story belongs to Eva Atanasovska. 🙂

Born in Macedonia’s beautiful capital Skopje, Eva arrived in Split in September of 2022 to study Tourism and Hospitality Management at Aspira. Here’s how she sees her life here in Split!

Why did you choose to move to Split?

“As a part Croatian, for me, Split was the perfect city to live in, have fun, and enjoy the local activities.”

Can you give us your opinion on the benefits of Split and life here?

“In my opinion, the biggest benefits are the kindness of the locals, clean beaches, access to traveling, and perfect weather.”

Do you have any suggestions regarding everyday life in Split?

“One suggestion I would give to people that would like to move here is to start learning the Croatian language.

Even if you learn just a few words, the locals are super appreciative of that effort.”

Did you connect with someone from Split outside of your student group?

“Yes, I have. I have been able to hang out with a few Croatians here. One of them I have known through my family, and they have been really supportive throughout my stay in Split.”

How did coming to Split change you?

“It helped me see how different life is from Skopje. The tourism in Split has opened my eyes to exactly how much people are hard-working here, and this in turn made me consider working here someday in the future.”

What is the thing you’ve struggled with the most when you started living here and how did you cope?

“One thing I was not familiar with and struggled with a bit is the winter.

Split does not have snowy winters, but instead has the formidable ‘bura’ wind.”

How much did the Aspira team and the local students ease your transition to this new environment?

“Very much! The administrators, teachers, and classmates have made my transition very easy – by showing me around the school, helping me with work, and initiating new friendships.”

What do you like the most about studying at Aspira?

“The students and study program. The students are all very kind and welcoming, while the study program is simple and well-structured, meaning you can learn each subject well.”

What is the most important lesson that you’ve learned while living in Split?

“Be open-minded. Split is a destination where people from many nationalities live and you will encounter many different points of view.”

Is there anything you miss about Macedonia aside from your family and friends?

“Other than my friends, family, and people closest to me, I do miss my city and its local cafes, which I have been going to almost all my life.”

Give five tips about moving here to your past self!

“Visit the beaches more, travel to the islands, learn the language as much as possible, appreciate local cuisine, and make sure you enjoy your time here!”

Five things you love about Split as a city and five things you love about Split’s people!

“Regarding Split, I love the beaches, the local cafes, the Dalmatian dialect, the people, and many activities.

As for the city’s people, I love how hard-working, welcoming, kind, generous, and fun they are!”

We hope Eva will continue enjoying her time in Split and invite you to keep an eye on the upcoming interviews in this series! 😉

Photos: Aspira


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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