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tech.coffee: Leonard Eldić — Your first sales hire

Details Learn Sales Secrets from Leonard Eldić! We’re excited to…

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Learn Sales Secrets from Leonard Eldić!

We’re excited to host Leonard Eldić, Founder of SaaStanak, the largest SaaS community in CEE. With over 10 years of sales experience, Leonard has sold everything from phone services to SaaS analytics and worked as both a salesperson and sales manager. Now, he’s sharing his insights to help founders tackle sales challenges.

In this session, Leonard will cover:

  • When to hire your first salesperson.
  • How to pay and set up sales hires for success.
  • Whether to focus on inbound or outbound sales.
  • How founders can sell without hiring.
  • The best ways to coach and grow a sales team.

If you’re a founder looking for practical advice, this is a meetup you won’t want to miss! 🚀

tech.coffee meetup AGENDA

18:00 – 19:00 Leo’s talk & Q/A
19:00 – 20:30 Networking

Don’t miss out—reserve your spot today and be part of the conversation shaping the future of our industry!


tech.coffee Split je pokrenut 2008. godine sa ciljem “face-to-face” povezivanja lokalne zajednice dizajnera, programera, marketingaša, poduzetnika, investitora te studenata sa interesima prema tehnološkom sektoru.

Od 2008. godine do danas je održano 140. događaja te povezano preko 1000 ljudi što tech.coffee čini najaktivnijim i konzistentnijim meetup-om u regiji.

Na tech.coffee redovito gostuju osnivači vodećih hrvatskih tehnoloških tvrtki gdje nesebično dijele svoja znanja i iskustva.

Iskustvo organiziranja tech.coffee-ja je motiviralo organizatora Tonija Trivkovića da osnuje Split Tech City udrugu. Najveća vrijednost tech.coffee-ja je networking jer na svakom meetupu imate priliku iskoračiti iz zone komfora te upoznati nekoga novoga.

Dobrodošli ste na sljedeći meetup, naučite nešto novo slušajući predavanje i upoznajte nekog novog za vrijeme umrežavanja!

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