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Happy 10th birthday,!

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


Back in 2013, the only way to order food in Split was by directly phoning the restaurant whose food you were craving. Furthermore, few restaurants had websites where you could check the menu. Basically, you had to know exactly which restaurant served what unless you wanted to call and then have a lengthy conversation with a restaurant employee about the menu.

So, ordering food was exactly what it should not be: time-consuming and a hassle.

“We were frustrated with ordering food over the phone as this was the only food delivery system available in Split back in 2013. We wanted to change and improve the food ordering process. This is where the idea for ​​establishing the platform came from”, says Nebojša Veron, one of the founders.

This frustrating experience prompted him to join forces with Mislav Tomić and initiate the journey of, an online platform for ordering food, that very same year.

Nowadays, the platform is fully operational, used frequently, and has numerous restaurants on board you can choose from, as well as some additional benefits such as Lunch At Work tailored specifically for companies.

This is what the team shared with us during their birthday celebration: “The most beautiful stories always have humble beginnings. Ten years have passed from the moment a group of students had an idea to create a platform for ordering food to the realization of a successful business.

We waited a month for the first order but believed that, in the end, the users would recognize our effort, knowledge, and innovation. We’re thankful that they did – and still do!”

From the time the company was founded, the team went through typical entrepreneurial ups and downs and learned numerous lessons from those experiences: “In all these years of business, we have encountered many obstacles such as bureaucracy, lack of funding, etc.

However, perhaps the biggest obstacle to overcome was the initial one and had more to do with ourselves: to decide to tackle the development of the company and the full-time-operating platform and finally transform it from what was once a student project into a serious business.”

They have succeeded in doing just that but did not forget those humble student beginnings – this is especially evident when you see how many youthful initiatives have as one of the sponsors: from NEXT Youth Conference to hackathons such as Hack4Split and Smart City Challenge.

They continue to feed us good food and support the youth of Split while they’re at it! :)

Before we left them to continue celebrating their decade of hard work and perseverance, they had a final message to share: “Dobar tek! Bon appétit! Enjoy your meal! – These were the wishes we had for you every day for the past ten years!

In the company of current and former associates, we celebrated the tenth anniversary of being with you and remembered some of the most significant moments of this journey. Once again we want to say “Thank you!” – because without you there would be no!”

Happy birthday,! We wish you lots of continued success in what you do and can’t wait for the 20th birthday party! 😀

p.s. If you still haven’t downloaded the app that will feed you best, head to the App Store or Google Play as soon as possible. 😉



About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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