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CatchingUp with Tilde Loop!

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


Tilde Loop is a software development company comprised of experienced engineers, specializing in the JavaScript ecosystem and modern application development. The company, which has offices located in London and Split was founded by Bruno Ziterbart. He was then joined in this venture by Marija Ziterbart who is Tilde Loop’s Managing Director.

The Tilde Loop London office was established back in 2018, while the Croatian branch was founded in 2022 with a team of 14 in total at the moment – but they are currently hiring, so that particular number is expected to change soon.

The Tilde Loop team is also one of the very active members of the local tech community, regularly organizing their well-attended Tech Events. 🙂

Of course, this meant it was high time to #CatchUp with them – to see what they were up to, how are they doing, and what their future plans are. So that’s exactly what we did in this chat with Bruno and Marija!

What does a typical day at Tilde Loop look like?

“Our operations span from both Split and London, integrating distinct segments of our versatile team within a hybrid work setup. Our workdays commence flexibly between 8 to 10 in the morning, setting the stage for productive collaborations ahead.

During our designated office hours, we engage in a collaborative morning dialogue that aligns with our agile methodologies.

This exchange entails reflecting on our accomplishments from the previous day and collectively charting our objectives leading up to the next meeting. Subsequently, a stand-up session further maintains our alignment and insights.

Post the stand-up session, we often embrace a collective break, stepping out for a pleasant coffee and lunch, particularly when the weather is favorable. This practice not only fosters camaraderie but also recharges our energies.

Importantly, our dynamic team operates across multiple units, working closely with diverse clients. We uphold agile methodologies and similar frameworks, ensuring a streamlined and efficient workflow throughout our diverse projects.”

As a company, in what aspect has Tilde Loop grown the most in the past year?

“We’ve extended and strengthened our partnerships with our clients, resulting in us exceeding all our team expansion goals.

Following this logic, with a larger workforce and upcoming new recruitments, we’ve recently moved to a more spacious office.

In our operations, we’ve also integrated new technologies, making us one of the rare companies in this area to have expertise in Svelte and Svelte Kit.”

What is the most interesting thing about Tilde Loop?

“We are deeply immersed in captivating, intricate, and ever-evolving projects. Our unwavering focus lies in implementing a plethora of contemporary technological solutions, ensuring that our ventures remain at the cutting edge.

Moreover, we are committed to nurturing our team members through mentoring initiatives that empower them to cultivate supplementary skills.

Integral to our ethos is the fact that our projects are actively operational, catering to real users on a daily basis. Our adept developers write production-ready code, making a substantial impact right from day one. This reality underscores our dedication to delivering tangible value and the immediate significance of our contributions.”

What do you love most about the Tilde Loop team?

“What truly resonates with us about our team is the profound sense of unity and collaboration. Every day, we’re inspired by how we come together, leveraging our diverse strengths and perspectives to tackle challenges and achieve remarkable outcomes.

This shared spirit of support and camaraderie not only makes working together a joy but also enhances our collective ability to innovate and excel.”

What’s the biggest obstacle you’ve overcome?

“We perceive obstacles not as problems, but as opportunities to champion transparency, foster open communication, and promote collaborative teamwork for their resolution. Therefore, we consider them more as lessons learned and couldn’t single out one.”

And what about mistakes and lessons learned from them?

“While we can confidently state that no mistake has proven fatal, we’ve certainly encountered our fair share of learning experiences.

Each challenge has bolstered our collective knowledge and honed our decision-making capabilities. Rather than viewing mistakes as setbacks, we’ve embraced them as stepping stones towards refinement. Through these experiences, we’ve cultivated a culture that encourages open communication, continuous learning, and adaptive strategies.”

Any advice from the Tilde Loop founders would like to give to budding entrepreneurs?

“A valuable piece of advice for the early stages of your entrepreneurial journey is to maintain a strong commitment, put forth your maximum effort each day, and derive enjoyment from the process while collaborating with your colleagues.”

What projects is the Tilde Loop team currently working on?

“Regarding significant projects which we are at liberty to discuss, we are presently engaged in 2 endeavors for the Swedish language learning startup “Lingio” alongside our involvement with “The Lowdown”, a British platform focused on women’s health.”

Do you have any favorite projects?

“It’s quite a challenge to single out the most important ones from the plethora of outstanding projects we’ve had the privilege to work on. However, if we must highlight a couple, we would like to mention “The Lowdown” – the U.K.’s Leading Sexual And Reproductive Health Platform we have been devotedly engaged in for the past two years. This bond is quite a strong one as our Managing Director Marija is also the CTO of “The Lowdown”.

Additionally, we’d like to spotlight our collaboration with the Swedish language learning startup, Lingio. This project has garnered the dedicated efforts of a substantial number of our team members.

We’re extremely proud of the dynamic range of projects we’ve undertaken, each contributing uniquely to our portfolio.

It’s our commitment to innovation and excellence that allows us to continuously explore new frontiers.”

What gives you the energy to continue working on Tilde Loop’s development?

“It’s inspiring to recognize that the solutions we’re engaged in are genuinely enhancing the quality of life for thousands of individuals. The advancement we make as a company over time indeed serves as the prime motivation.

We’ve fulfilled, and possibly even exceeded, all the plans we’ve set in motion. With a fantastic team in place, it’s both inspiring and motivating to observe the collective progress of the team as a whole, as well as that of each individual.”

Any future plans you would like to share?

“We’re presently in the process of growing our team. Our goal is to have the expanded team fully operational by the end of the year, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the projects we’re working on and explore new partnerships.”

What are you the proudest of regarding Tilde Loop?

“What brings us the greatest pride in our company is the exceptional caliber of the projects we’re engaged in.

Our team consistently tackles projects that are not only impactful but also cutting-edge, showcasing our commitment to innovation.

The technologies we employ set us apart, as we are at the forefront of advancements in our field. Our work reflects a level of dedication that continuously exceeds expectations. The heart of our success lies in our remarkable team – each individual contributes a unique skill set, and collectively, we create a synergy that drives our accomplishments to new heights.

The enthusiasm and expertise of our team members make the collaborative process truly exceptional, and it’s this harmonious blend of talent that fuels our achievements and makes our company something to be genuinely proud of.”

How important was the local tech community for you?

“The local tech community holds great importance to us. It serves as the foundation of our presence and operations in Split.

We value the opportunity to collaborate, learn, and share ideas within this vibrant tech ecosystem!

Supporting and being a part of this community is not only essential for our growth but also enriches the entire tech landscape in Split. As an active participant in the community, we take pride in organizing tech meetups since we first established our office in Split.

These events provide a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and mutual growth, further cementing our commitment to the local tech scene.”

How would you describe your entrepreneurial experience here in Split?

“A considerable number of our clients hail from locations beyond Croatia’s borders, motivating us to draw inspiration from their commendable practices and international insights. In our efforts, we aim to incorporate these valuable perspectives into our operations in Split.

Adding to this, Tilde Loop’s inception in London means we are effectively transplanting and embedding this distinct culture and ambiance into the Croatian landscape.”

Where do you see Split in the future?

“We envision a promising future for Split as a burgeoning tech city and a thriving tech hub.

The city’s strategic location, coupled with its vibrant culture and historical significance, positions it well to become a hub of technological innovation.

As investments in digital infrastructure and education continue to grow, we anticipate seeing an expansion of local tech businesses, startups, and collaborative initiatives. Split’s appeal lies in its ability to attract tech talent and foster a dynamic ecosystem that encourages knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration.

With the support of local authorities, educational institutions, and forward-thinking businesses, Split has the potential to establish itself as a reputable player in the global tech landscape. By nurturing talent, embracing innovation, and creating an environment conducive to creativity, Split has the opportunity to shape its destiny as a distinguished tech city and a hub for innovation.”

We’d like to thank Bruno, Marija, and the rest of the Tilde Loop team for taking the time to #CatchUp with us and wish them a lot of success in all their future plans! 😀

Photos: Tilde Loop


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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