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Women In Tech: a lesson on escaping the perfectionism trap(s) with Suzana

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


At the end of the past week, we got together at Smartspace for another edition of the Women In Tech Meetup. On the agenda – a lecture and some networking. 😉

Our chosen lecturer for this edition of Women In Tech was Suzana Špika, Head of People Operations at Postindustria and mentor at the Croatian Psychological Chamber, who gave a lecture titled: “Self-Reflection in a World of Perfection: Breaking the Mold”.

Suzana’s lecture tackled the issues of imposter syndrome, self-rejection, and perfectionism.

She also addressed some of the problems related to these three issues such as the inability to recognize own value and contributions, lack of belief in oneself, doing things despite fears and doubt, working on taking up space and using your voice, not selling yourself short, etc.

If you struggle with any of these issues yourself, or you wish to deepen your understanding of the topic, here’s the video of Suzana’s talk which we shared on our YouTube channel for all to learn from:

A bonus point for those who attended was the fact that they got to learn some tips and tricks on several different HR-related topics directly from Suzana who eagerly and attentively answered everyone’s questions.

We’d like to thank her for being so willing to share her knowledge and skills! 🙂

With this inspirational edition, we conclude the 2023 series of Women In Tech. 🙂

However, you can definitely look forward to more empowerment of this kind when we continue in 2024! 😉

Photos: Ivan Gracin

Women In Tech Meetups in 2023: March & June


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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