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Storyseller: Leonard Eldić at the 140th tech.coffee Meetup

Lucija Curavić Lončarić

Lucija Curavić Lončarić


tech coffee

The second tech.coffee meetup of this year gathered around thirty participants at Smartspace, who enjoyed a lecture by Leonard Eldić, the founder of Saastanka and a senior in software sales.

Leonard gave a lecture based on his insights into hiring the first person – in sales.

Although seemingly simple, this business step requires an incredible amount of time and focus and can be crucial for the future of the business.

“I come from Velika Gorica, successful sales are not foreign to us,” Leonard joked with the mostly Split-based audience, referring to the transfer of Anthony Kalik to Hajduk.

tech coffee

However, it was clear from the very beginning of the lecture that our speaker was not to be taken lightly. He first directed our attention to the fact that the biggest mistake founders can make is stopping selling themselves too early.

The next goal he emphasized is narrowing the ICP, or the ideal customer profile. Sales isn’t just about talking, and the fact that someone is listening doesn’t necessarily mean they will buy anything. Narrow down the choice and simplify the sales path.

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After experiencing the advantages and disadvantages of sales processes firsthand, it’s time to hire the first person for sales. Above all, we need someone we can trust.

tech coffee

“In the Balkans, we often hire someone and wish them good luck. If that person isn’t on our intellectual level, is too passive, or doesn’t share your values, the collaboration will end quickly.”

Allow them to focus on the core ICP and refine the sales there, and also involve them in the technical aspects of the business. Let them master one area, without jumping to new tasks all the time.

This doesn’t mean you can’t experiment. But only once they understand the core ICP. By then, they will have already developed a network, client references, and inbound strategies. Only then does experimentation make sense.

Hiring a head of sales doesn’t mean results overnight, Leonard emphasizes.

Expect action immediately, track activities and approach, but leave space for results. You can also motivate the person with a so-called salesperson’s salary, which is split into a fixed and variable part, depending on sales success. This is a common practice abroad. If you’ve hired the right person for the job, they probably won’t mind this.

“If you gave your first sales job to someone who will later start their own business, you’ve made a good choice.”

Equally important is remembering that the first person you hire for sales must be eager – to teach others about sales. Because when the time comes, they will have to pass on everything they know to the next person in the team.

tech coffee

After the formal part, there was the traditional brief introduction of all attendees and socializing over drinks. The first to sell will tell the story – and Leonard did just that very successfully at the 140th tech.coffee. See you at the next one!


About author:

Lucija Curavić Lončarić

Komunikolog po struci i prirodi. Voli riječi, sliku i video – i psihologiju koja stoji iza njih. Organizira događaje s kojih izlazimo kao bolji stručnjaci, kreativci i ljudi.

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