Don’t miss the 4th edition of the Split Tech City Festival!

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Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


Another one of Split’s startups came to our city together with its founder. Databuilder is one of the first no-code database platforms in the EU and the first in the region. It is a simple online database system that helps you organize your data without programming skills. It is designed for regular people by being flexible enough to serve almost any purpose. It is also easy and fun to use. You can build a custom data-driven application for your business and take your collaboration to the next level.

In this day and age, dynamic new technologies are used more and more to drive innovation in the workplace. However, sometimes there is a technology gap. Apps do too little or systems are too rigid and expensive, which limits growth and opportunity. Databuilder, as a no-code database platform, bridges that gap by making powerful technologies accessible to everyone.

The idea was born out of an already existing problem and a need for its solution. Its CEO and founder is Fedja Misirlić, a multidisciplinary expert with international background and more than a decade of professional experience as a full-stack designer, developer, and entrepreneur. Because of the nature of its creation, Databuilder was immediately used and any issues were resolved “on the go”.

“The idea was to democratize software creation by empowering anyone to build the digital tools that meet their needs. To achieve this,  a lot of hard work was put into nerdy things like relational databases, automatic CRUD engine, contextual math, layout and script builders, APIs, scalability, security, templating, documentation – just to name a few.  However, the main ingredients of Databuilder are primarily vision, passion, and dedication.”

Considering the fact that Databuilder is in its early stages of development and still fully self-funded, we asked Fedja at what stage the company is at now and what are the plans for the future.

“Since the soft launch of the beta version in December 2020,  Databuilder has about 10 thousand users from all over the world. With more than 1200 databases created, more than 70 customers have expressed their intention to upgrade to premium plans. The Databuilder support community has received more than 30 members who have expressed feedback, feature requests, and overall great interest in the product.

As for the future of Databuilder, I’m currently actively looking for team members who have the drive, skills, and knowledge to help me make Databuilder grow.”

Fedja believes he can gather an experienced team right here in Split, so this is definitely a great opportunity for any of you to join him in this venture and become part of the Databuilder team. His life journey took him from Sarajevo to Russia and then Canada, but Split is where he decided to stay together with his family.

“Split is great! You have everything you need close by. The connection with any part of the world is also easy to achieve. The city is just the right size, so you don’t waste precious time commuting or getting stuck in traffic. The weather is an added benefit of living here! One thing I also really like is the fact that Split is a city of sports, but also a city of sailing which is another great passion of mine. I truly believe that Split can offer you anything you might need to have a Californian or Australian lifestyle right in the middle of Europe and that makes this city pretty unique.

In addition to lifestyle benefits it offers, Split’s tech community is also developing quickly. There is an amount of positive and innovative energy and I believe this is the right place for me to be and to gather a team to take Databuilder to its next stages.

We wish Fedja great success with Databuilder and are happy he found everything he wished for right here in Split!


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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