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Split Startups Meetup: the second edition was all about people and startups!

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


After the first edition of Split Startups Meetup, we listened to your feedback and adjusted the program of the second edition accordingly. And you rewarded it with another numerous attendance which makes us happy, of course!

Additionally, Split Startups Meetup keeps spreading the positive vibe initiated at the first event. 😀

And we know that positivity is one thing we need in any startup ecosystem as it keeps things going forward even when there are obstacles.

As last time, Split Startups Meetup continues to be a place of learning, too, so we made sure that, even if you missed it and didn’t attend, you definitely don’t miss out on knowledge shared during the panel discussion and talk.

This means that, once more, we filmed everything – so make sure you keep an eye on Split Tech City’s YouTube channel for some startup-themed inspiration.

During this particular meetup, we followed the tried and true program plan, so first to take the stage at The Works Coworking were our panelists Iva, Ivan, and Josip accompanied by our moderator Michael.

The topic of their discussion was “Humans of Startups” and focused a lot on the human side of startups – what’s it like to work in a startup, how it feels to be its first employee, how they view the development of the startups they’re a part of, the comparison between startup and corporate life, and much more.

They even shed some light on well-known startup myths – letting us know if they are truly myths or actually the truth!

The panel discussion was followed by a lecture – from a lawyer, no less! Now, we see you already thinking: “Oh, no! It must have been stiff and boring!” Well – you’d be wrong! 🙂

It was anything but stiff and boring because Frano, our lawyer of choice, got comfortable in front of our audience and told them real stories of things not to do, as well as examples of good practice when it comes to startups and the dreaded “legal stuff”.

Having worked on many different cases from the startup sector – on topics such as the establishment and development of startups, as well as investments in startups on the part of both, investors and founders – and, as leader of Nlaw Croatia making this organization recognized as a reliable legal advisor for venture capital investments, takeovers, and mergers, as well as other financial and business transactions, Frano definitely knew what he was talking about but also delivered it in a way anyone could understand.

His talk “Legal aspects of opening, running, and investing in startups” was followed by quite a lot of to-the-point audience questions, so we know already it was a success!

After that the official program was concluded and networking could start! Always a highlight of any event, it was lively, and – we’re sure of it – full of new connections made!

In the end, we’d like to thank our panelists – Iva Kegalj (Litto Agency), Ivan Veštić (GetByBus), and Josip Volarević (dReader) – our speaker Frano Barović (Nlaw Croatia) and – last but not least – our home for the evening The Works Coworking.

The biggest thanks, of course, are reserved for all of you who attended our tech and startup community – you’re the reason we’re doing this and we hope you all left the meetup inspired and with some new insights into the wonders of the startup world.

We’re already looking forward to the next Split Startups Meetup and hope you do, too! 😉

Photo by Ivan Gracin and video by Julio Juraga


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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