Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.
Support our communityYesterday we had the opportunity to participate in the 2nd Winter Tourism Roundtable. Now, you might wonder what Split Tech City has to do with tourism… However, that would mean you have forgotten the fact that Split as a whole is an ecosystem we’re all a part of.
One of the initiators of this Roundtable is Total Croatia News and they have invited us to participate in the 2nd Roundtable to share our community-building know-how, as well as the feedback from digital nomads that we regularly come in contact with during “Locals’n’Nomads” meetups or through our digital nomad profiles.
The great potential of digital nomads was presented in two-part presentations. The first was focused on attracting and accommodating and was delivered by Tanja Polegubic from Saltwater Nomads. In our presentation, we shined a light on the other two key concepts: amaze and amplify.
Amaze with all that Split already has to offer, and amplify that amazement on a local and global scale.
We also put the emphasis on building the community of locals and digital nomads as we have seen how important it is for the nomads to connect with the local community and how much potential this connection can have in terms of improving Split for all who live here.
The host, as well as one of the participants of the 2nd Roundtable, was the Croatian Chamber of Commerce – Split County Chamber (HGK). Other attendees included Split’s Mayor, Ivica Puljak, representatives of the Split and Split-Dalmatia County tourist boards, and the representatives of the private sector.
The main goal of these initiatives is to extend the tourist season in Split by strengthening the offer in the post-season period and creating a base for more continuing flights to Split Airport after October.
Another important accent was placed on the fact that all tourism-related initiatives should take into consideration the locals, as well. In Split Tech City’s book, the term ‘locals’ in this case includes digital nomads who have chosen to call Split their home.
Digital nomads, as well as those born and raised in this city, deserve a lively and active city year-round!
The Roundtable was held in two parts: first up were presentations of the current statistics and various initiatives that could improve Split’s year-round offer, while the second part was held in the form of a discussion among various public and private stakeholders that were present.
The presentations included: statistical data on Split’s tourist arrivals and the season in general; Split Light Festival, Gastronomy Month, Digital Nomads, and Winter Sailing.
After the mutual discussion that followed the presentations, all participants agreed that Split has enough excellent existing conditions to become a year-round destination, but that there is a need to work together with all involved because any change can happen only if everyone works towards that same goal.
We are thankful for this opportunity to be the voice of digital nomads in Split and hope that our – and their – city will continue to grow and improve!
If you’re interested in Split Tech City’s presentation, you can check it out here.
Cover photo: Bruno Dubravec