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Employee satisfaction forms the basis of a good team: SeekandHit among the best in the region

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


Today we’re bringing you another success story from the Split Tech City community: SeekandHit won a “Top Workplace” award! 😀

As part of the HR.Weekend, the awarding of the regional Top Workplace award was held, organized by Luppa, a company for employee satisfaction research.

SeekandHit and Degordian are the only companies that achieved at least 20% better results than the marketing industry benchmark, winning the “Top Workplace” award at HR.Weekend.

The goal of the award is to highlight employers who set the highest industry standards and foster a positive organizational culture, thus maintaining the satisfaction of their employees in the workplace.

The award was given for the second time in 2024, and 58 companies with 32,460 employees participated.

What makes a good employer?

Luppa chose companies that managed to create a positive work culture, a stimulating environment, and conditions that allow employees to progress and feel valued.

Three criteria were evaluated:

  • eNPS (employee net promoter score)
  • engagement
  • overall rating of 12 dimensions of satisfaction – such as communication, balance between work and private life, leadership, cooperation, learning and development, work organization, innovation, and working conditions

The award was given in 21 categories, covering different sectors and industries, such as agriculture, pharmaceuticals, automotive, healthcare, IT, marketing and media.

After the company’s employees filled out a satisfaction survey, a benchmark was set for the industry, and the award was won by those companies whose results were at least 20% better than the benchmark.

What is SeekandHit doing about it?

“At SeekandHit, we have always focused on employee satisfaction and providing a stimulating and safe working atmosphere,” said Marija Šimičić Perišin, HR Generalist at SeekandHit. She added that, regardless of whether it is about ideas, the need for flexibility, mobility, or innovation, no topic is taboo.

Colleagues and management are always open to new ideas and ready to adapt.

“The most important thing for us is that the work is done. When and where this happens is not so important, as long as deadlines and colleagues’ time are respected,” added Andrej Boboš, SeekandHit CTO.

He pointed out that employee satisfaction forms the basis of a good organizational culture because a positive working atmosphere motivates teams and creates good relationships among colleagues.

This can be seen in the fact that, despite the possibility of unlimited work from home, most employees come to the office almost every day, and colleagues also socialize outside of working hours.

In addition, they emphasize that they have very flexible working hours, and they plan their work in sprints to avoid overcrowding.

Employees are provided with opportunities to go to conferences and additional training, with guaranteed benefits such as additional health insurance, consulting opportunities, and kindergarten for children. Furthermore, pets are also welcome to SeekandHit offices.

Congrats to the SeekandHit team on this recognition! 😀

Photos: Matej Rebernišak


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We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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