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Another excellent edition of Motion Plus Design Split!

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


After Berlin, Barcelona, Stockholm, Tokyo, Rio, and many more cities worldwide, last year we finally added Split to the official Motion Plus Design calendar!

It was a Satellite event last year and it went so well that this year we have an official Motion Plus Design Splitan event that is here to stay. To the joy of the local design community and beyond! 🙂

Again, the man behind the Split edition of Motion Plus Design was Alexandre Malheiro serving as the event’s organizer, host, and presenter. We commend his passion and dedication needed to bring and maintain this event right here in our hometown.

Artists, illustrators, graphic designers, motion designers, and those merely interested in these fields gathered together at Zlatna vrata on Saturday to learn from each other and network.

Aside from great lecturers, everyone present also had the chance to meet the festival director, Kook Ewo, as well as the rest of the Motion Plus Design team.

As an industry leader promoting the art of Motion Design worldwide, Motion Plus Design has existed since 2015 and consistently produced sold-out events showcasing the top motion designers, graphic artists, title animators, and creatives.

Split was no exception to this last year as well as this year – with many in attendance to connect, share ideas, and celebrate creativity together!

Ronan and Kook, the creators of Motion Plus Design, say that Motion Plus Design is the Art of graphics in motion and, as an art form, it is gaining momentum all over the world carried by the new generations of artists among the most creative and sought-after in the entire design industry.

Its Satellite events are created with the idea of nurturing and connecting the local design community wherever these events are launched with Split being a fine example of exactly that. Lots of interesting and inspiring stories from selected designers, and lots of local design enthusiasts in the audience.

The speakers at this year’s Motion Plus Design Split were Felix Šoletić from the USA, Danae Gosset from France, and Marko Sutlar and Timotej Neonski representing Croatia together with Zoran Vujić from Poster. The main event partners were Poster and Air France. Split Tech City is once more offering media support.

We congratulate Alexandre and the rest of the Motion Plus Design team on another great event and can hardly wait for next year and Motion Plus Design Split 2025😀

And, in the meantime, the Motion Plus Design team has a dedicated section of their website where they share videos from their big worldwide events and another section dedicated to learning opportunities providing inspiration to all who are in pursuit of more knowledge on this particular art form.

So, head over there and learn something new while waiting for another great event in Split! 😉


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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