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Join the launch of the third issue of Kàko independent magazine

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


Game/Play” is here! The third issue of Kàko magazine has arrived from the press and is on its way to all those who have pre-ordered their issue in the past two weeks.

Kàko initiators – Ivan Blagajić, Nives Bošnjak, and Alen Marić – thank all of you for that. 🙂

Pre-orders allow the Kàko team to more easily determine the volume of circulation, assess how attractive a particular topic is, and, finally, how many readers are genuinely interested in Kàko magazine even before they see it live.

All of this is of great importance to a small independent publisher like this team that is funded solely by sales, and for that, they always immensely stress their appreciation for your trust.

Kàko – Game/Play

The new Kàko issue deals with the theme of play and games through stories about growing up, upbringing, the animal world, social games, sports, and art.

Behind these stories are writers, photographers, and experts, including Ivana Bucković, Iva Čupić, Lea Jajaš, Feđa Klarić, Mario Kovač, Sanja Kolarić Piplica, Jelena Pervan, Petra Husain Pustaj, Kaja Sajović, and Nenad Vukušić.

In addition, the issue also features an artistic intervention by Hana Tintor, which you can play with while flipping through the magazine.

In her work, which runs through the entire issue, Hana created visual representations of each story that flow from one to the other and thus turned this Kàko edition into an object that, with a quick scroll, from a static image and text, turns into an animation.

You can order the third issue of Kàko magazine through the Kàko online store or join the Kàko team live at the presentations in Split and Zagreb, where you will be able to hear all about the new issue and buy your copy on the spot, without shipping costs.

Attend the Kàko launch!

Start the next week right with a Kàko hangout! The presentation of the third edition of Kàko magazine will take place from 18:00 at the Adriatic Social Club in Split, on Monday, October 14, and at Botaničar in Zagreb, on Wednesday, October 16, also from 18:00.

As in the previous two gatherings, everyone is invited and you will have the opportunity to buy your copy of the newest edition on the spot.

The novelty of this particular gathering is that it will start with short conversations with the authors.

In Split, Jelena Pervan, a children’s writer who wrote in the new issue about children’s play in difficult war conditions, will present her work for this issue of Kàko magazine. In Zagreb, Hana Tintor, who will tell how she worked on the animation for this issue, will be present and interact with the audience.

For all the details about these two offline magazine launches, as well as other news, follow Kàko on Instagram and their website.

Photos and visuals: Kàko


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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