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TINEL #49 with Ron Brumbarger

Learn about an exciting new way to help people develop…

Lovački put 7

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Learn about an exciting new way to help people develop their skills in Ron Brumbarger’s talk called “Growing Your Own Talent.” After years of struggling to find talented employees, Ron decided to start Apprentice University in Indianapolis, Indiana (US) to train his own staff members.

In this talk, he will share a few special methods to turn eager tech enthusiasts into skilled professionals in just three years. Join us on the 7th of September in Locastic’s HQ to explore creative ideas, lessons, and accomplishments that have changed the usual way of finding talent. You’ll learn ways to develop talent and succeed with a strong team.


Ron is a tech professional with executive-level expertise. He is proficient in inspiring teams, implementing technology and innovation, resolving intricate challenges, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting mentoring. He is actively pursuing opportunities to invest in teams that are seeking an insightful and dedicated contributors to enhance their leadership endeavors on a part-time basis.


18:30 — 19:00 The gathering at Locastic HQ (Lovački put 7, Split)

19:00 — 19:05 Opening remarks

19:05 — 19:50 Ron Brumbarger: The art of growing your talents

20:00 – Q&A + BBB Networking (by Bokamorra, Barba, Biberon)

If you’ve never been to Tinel, here’s what you can expect:

Every single month, we bring prominent tech speakers to Split in order to distribute knowledge to the growing local tech community. During the Tinel journey, we joined forces with Digitalna Dalmacija, a partner who recognized the event’s potential and started supporting the cause.

We emphasize networking and meeting new people who share your interests, so we strongly suggest that you arrive a bit earlier. Our event partners, LAB Split, Bokamorra, and Biberon Cakes, will ensure you are well-refreshed with complimentary pizza, craft beers, and delicious cakes.


Locastic x Digitalna Dalmacija


Getbybus – Bokamorra – Biberon – BARBA – Litto – Tommy


Blank – Osiguraj.me – Profico – Infobip – Split Tech City – Infinum – NetHub – Codeasy


Tinel je nova struja na splitskoj IT sceni koja okuplja renomirane svjetske predavače, kao besplatan način edukacije za sve posjetitelje.

Događaj se odvija jednom mjesečno, a u dosadašnjih nekoliko iteracija se pričalo o raznolikim temama kao što su Open Source, dizajn, optimizacija web stranica, poslovne strategije, User Experience, ali i Content Marketing i SEO optimizacija koje su obogatile program Tinel radionica.

Tinel odlikuje opuštenom atmosferom i kvalitetnim predavanjima.

Sve uz potporu lokalnih partnera (Biberon, LAB Split Craft, Uber) koji osiguravaju besplatnu pizzu, pivo i torte, a post-event networking faza zna potrajati i do ranih jutarnjih sati.

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