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QA MEETUP: Page Object Model – practical example (Cypress)

Join us next Thursday for an insightful Split QA meetup…

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Join us next Thursday for an insightful Split QA meetup on “Page Object Model – practical example Cypress” hosted by a true senior in the field, Slaven Antić!

We’ll explore the world of POM and its practical applications. Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll cover:

  • Why and when should we use the POM?

Discover the significance of POM in test automation and when it’s most beneficial.

  • What problems can we solve with the POM?

Uncover the common challenges POM can address in test automation, making your testing process more efficient.

  • Practical example:

Dive into a real-world use case to see POM in action with Cypress, a popular testing framework.

  • How to enhance or discontinue the use of POM?

Learn how to continuously improve your POM implementation or decide if it’s time for a change.

Scaleup Office Split (Poljička cesta 39, entrance between Submarine and pharmacy, 1st floor)

Oct 26 from 18:30

The lecture is free and this time in the Croatian language.

Afterward, we hang out over food and drinks!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and improve your test automation skills. Save the date and stay tuned for more details!

Split QA meetups

Za sve ljubitelje kontrole kvalitete software-a, početnike i one iskusne, software testere i zaljubljenike u razvoj software-a općenito, stvaramo zajednicu istomišljenika pod nazivom Split QA meetups.

Nekoliko puta godišnje se trudimo skupiti kolege s područja Splita i okolice kako bi pričali o temama iz industrije, raznim alatima, metodologijama, case study-ima. Cilj je kroz zajednicu raditi na popularizaciji software testinga i jačanju individualnih vještina i sposobnosti.

Dobrodošli su svi ljudi zainteresirani za razmjenu iskustava, širenje znanja, stvaranje novih poznanstava i željni ugodnog, opuštenog druženja.


Vizija meetupa je da ljudi sami odlučuju kakvo druženje žele i da prije svakog novog meetupa članovi zajednice dogovore detalje poput teme, formata, lokacije i vremena održavanja.

Pomozite nam u tome!

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