Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Marketing Meetup Split #43 Kako povećati zaradu, a smanjiti broj leadova?

Saznaj zbog čega je SeekandHit je na Danima komunikacija dobio…
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Saznaj zbog čega je SeekandHit je na Danima komunikacija dobio priznanje u kategoriji Direct Response and Lead Generation Campaign s projektom kompare.hr!

Predavanje će održati Šime Živković, Marketing Team Lead at SeekandHit.

Vidimo se 18.10.2023. (srijeda) u 20h u  The Works Coworkingu (Spinčićeva ul. 2b, Split)!

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