Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.
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Ok je pričati o pogreškama. Zapravo to može biti i odlično. Ako naučimo nešto iz svojih propusta, dugoročno, pojedini promašaj može se može pokazati i korisnim.
Jer ponekad uspjeh i slijedi samo nakon neuspjeha. Samo kroz neuspjeh možemo naučiti da se definicija uspjeha zapravo razlikuje od osobe do osobe, te da svi rastemo i učimo tijekom svojih karijera i profesionalnog razvoja.
Neće nam uvijek sve poći za rukom, zapravo od 10 pokušaja u poslovnom svijetu, samo jedan će završiti kao potpuni uspjeh.
Zato ajmo popričati o zajebima; malim, velikim i epskim, svačija je priča DOBRODOŠLA. Dođite i poslušajte o tuđim zajebima (fuck ups), dok smo domaćini freelancerima iz cijeloga svijeta, koji će s nama rado podijeliti i priče o tome kad im stvari nisu baš pošle za rukom, odnosno kad se “desija zajeb”.
Događaj u engleskom jeziku.
It’s ok to talk about mistakes. In fact it can be amazing. If we learn how to grow from an mishap, in the long run, a particular failure can be considered an asset.
Sometimes success only comes from failure. It is through failure that we come to better understand that everybody’s definition of success is different and that we all evolve over the course of our careers.
We can not get it right every time, in fact out of 10 endeavours of any sorts, most likely only one will lead to success.
So let’s talk about fuck ups. Big, small and epic ones, everybody’s story is WELCOME. Come and hear about other people’s fuck ups, as we host five freelancers from around the world to share the time they fucked up.
Event in English.
Do you know an event that we missed?
Let us know, and we will add it to our calendar!