Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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BizTalk meetup: Dot Your Spot

Na idućem BitTalk meetupu Zlatko Kovačić i Šime Jozipović iz…
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Na idućem BitTalk meetupu Zlatko Kovačić i Šime Jozipović iz IT firme DotYourSpot ispričat će kako su svoju ideju uz puno predanog rada pretvorili u uspješnu startup priču!

Dođi u petak, 4.11., u 18 sati u PICS@FESB (Ruđera Boškovića 32) i poslušaj o njihovom iskustvu!

Svi zainteresirani su dobrodošli na ovaj besplatni događaj.

Prijave su obvezne na https://bit.ly/3AJLKmD.

Do you know an event that we missed?
Let us know, and we will add it to our calendar!