Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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9. Blockchain Meetup Split

Learn what is possible with Truffle and other tools in…

WIP Coworking
Velebitska 147

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Learn what is possible with Truffle and other tools in the Ethereum ecosystem to help you build decentralized applications.

For beginner to intermediate software developers.

Nikhil Bhaskar is a certified Ethereum Developer and Founder of Ulixir. We build decentralized and traditional software. https://ulixir.com

Blockchain Hub Split

Split blockchain meetup okuplja sve osobe zainteresirane za blockchain tehnologiju, kriptovalute i decentralizirane projekte.

Meetup je pokrenut kako bi doprinio razvoju svijesti, interesa i znanja splitske tehnološke zajednice o ovoj novoj tehnologiji te povezao sve koji su uključeni ili se žele uključiti u brzorastuće tržište koje oko nje nastaje.

Meetup nema fiksnu formu, no najčešće se sastoji od jednog ili nekoliko zanimljivih predavanja i neformalnog druženja nakon toga. Teme meetupa se kreću u rasponu od investiranja i trgovanja kriptovalutama do razvoja blockchain aplikacija.

Snimke od nekih prošlih meetupa možete pronaći na StartupHR youtube kanalu.

Vidimo se na sljedećem meetupu!

Hodl to moon!

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