Don’t miss the 4th edition of the Split Tech City Festival!

Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Tomorrow’s the night for DEV Night

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


We are only a day away from the Split Tech City event intended for all developers – DEV Night! And, due to the great interest of the audience, the event will take place in the MKC Amphitheater. 😀

On this occasion, we would like to thank the Multimedia Cultural Center Split (MKC) for the provided space and co-organization of DEV Night. We did not choose the Youth Center only because of its spaciousness, but also because it best reflects the spirit in which this event is organized and realized: relaxed!

The program of this first DEV Night will be held in Croatian, but that doesn’t mean foreign developers who are currently in Split aren’t welcome to join us for networking!

DEV Night schedule looks like this (allow us the flexibility of 5 minutes up and down – after all, we are not in Switzerland… 😉 ):

  • 18:00 – 18:30 gathering
  • 18:30 – 19:00 Lecture – Ivo Lukač: Learn to Appreciate Legacy
  • 19:00 – 19:30 Lecture – Antonio Šerić: AI and Programming
  • 19:30 – 20:15 brief networking
  • 20:15 – 21:00 Panel Discussion – Ante Dagelić, Ivana Skelić, Nenad Kovačević, Dragan Rapić: Challenges in Developing a Developer’s Career
  • 21:00 – 21:30 Lecture – Vedran Jukić: Reproducible Development Environments
  • 21:30 – 23:00 networking

During the networking, we will enjoy getting to know each other, as well as the drinks that will be poured by the team from Tap B.

Now, a bit more about the DEV Night program…

Ivo Lukač: Learn to Appreciate Legacy

Ivo Lukač (Netgen), who has more than 20 years of experience in the web industry, participated in numerous digital projects as a manager, engineer, architect, and consultant. His experience includes e-commerce projects in Norway and Austria, regulatory reform projects in Vietnam, Thailand, Armenia, and Egypt, as well as many other web solutions for clients in Croatia and abroad.

He shared the following about his upcoming DEV Night lecture: “Working with old legacy code sometimes frustrates web developers. However, it is important to recognize that there is a significant amount of legacy code in the world, which exceeds the amount of non-legacy code.

Although developers may prefer to start projects from scratch, this is often not possible.

Therefore, when you intend to replace the legacy code with a newer version, it is crucial to appreciate and respect the existing code because it already works and there is no guarantee that the new code will work better.”

Antonio Šerić: AI and Programming

The lecture “AI and programming” will be held by Antonio Šerić, Software Engineer and co-founder of littlecode.

Antonio is also the vice president of our association and the initiator of the Mobile Monday Meetup, an event that has gathered, connected, and educated developers in our city for years.

At DEV Night, Antonio will talk about the connection between programming and artificial intelligence, that is, about the use of AI tools for development.

Panel Discussion: Challenges in Developing a Developer’s Career

The panel discussion “Challenges in Developing a Developer’s Career” will be moderated by Ante Dagelić (GetByBus), and the panelists will be Ivana Skelić (Undabot), Nenad Kovačević (Serengeti) and Dragan Rapić (Revendo).

This panel discussion dedicated to the career development of developers is ideal for seniors and juniors who want to improve their skills and better understand the possibilities of advancement within the company. The relationship between management and developers will be discussed, as well as the skills necessary for success in the IT world.

Experienced technical leaders will provide valuable advice and guidance to DEV Night attendees.

Vedran Jukić: Reproducible Development Environments

Vedran Jukić (Daytona) is an experienced engineer who is passionate about simplifying the development process. With nearly two decades of experience in software development and a passion for entrepreneurship, he guides Daytona to become a leader in development environments.

This is what Vedran shared about his lecture: “The process of setting up a Development Environment can be tedious, and in large companies, it can take up to several weeks, which harms productivity and leads to frustration.

Standardizing the Development Environment removes headaches and ensures consistency and repeatability across the team.

In the lecture at DEV Night, I will present popular configuration standards and tools that anyone can use to improve their development workflow.”

DEV Night is intended for all developers – from juniors to seniors. We are sure that all of them will take something valuable away from this event! 🙂

The sponsor of DEV Night is AGILO, a company that has been cooperating with global partners for more than a decade and offers design and development services for e-commerce solutions.

Sign up for free participation – and see you tomorrow at DEV Night! 😀


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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