Don’t miss the 4th edition of the Split Tech City Festival!

Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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We’re organizing DEV Night – join us!

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


If you are a developer – no matter your experience level – we have good news: we are preparing an event for you that you must not miss! 😀

Split Tech City is organizing DEV Night on March 27 starting at 18:00!

In the next two weeks, as the event approaches, we will reveal more details – including the location.

Our entire team has been diligently preparing this special event for some time, but the main organizer is the one who initiated the whole ideaAntonio Šerić, vice president of the Split Tech City association.

Antonio has been active in Split Tech City from its very beginnings, and it was he, along with Split Tech City president Toni Trivković, who contributed the most to the founding and the initial work of our association.

In addition to being a developer and co-founder of littlecode, Antonio is also the initiator of the Mobile Monday Meetup, an event that has gathered, connected, and educated developers for years.

“In recent years, there has been a lack of developer-related content in our city, so I decided to organize something specifically for developers and those who intend to do programming.

With the help of the rest of the Split Tech City community, I gathered a developer team with a wealth of experience – experts who are ready to share their knowledge with colleagues and give advice to the new upcoming generations,” said Antonio.

The program of DEV Night will consist of 3 lectures, 1 panel discussion, and networking, and you can participate for free – you only need to sign up.

This event is intended for anyone involved in programming, as it will cover topics such as architecture and concepts, as well as soft skills – skills that are crucial to the development of any developer!

“As is always the case with Split Tech City events, at DEV Night, our emphasis is on content over form, which means that we will all enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of this no-bullshit event together. Entry is free, and the appointment in the middle of the week was chosen as an ideal time for some inspiration and networking after work,” emphasizes Toni.

If it sounds interesting to you, be sure to put this event on your calendar and share the information with everyone who might be interested! And don’t forget that the participation is free, but registration is mandatory:

sign up for participation to claim your DEV Night spot!

We are sure that during DEV Night you will enjoy yourself, relax while learning something new, meet interesting people, and spend a pleasant evening in the company of numerous developers.

PS. We also invite all companies interested in sponsoring DEV Night to contact us! 😉


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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