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What do looks have to do with digital marketing

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


We all know that age-old saying: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” We know it so well, we have almost completely stopped reflecting on its meaning. And it may be a very old saying, but it holds so true in today’s fast-paced world, particularly in terms of online presence and social media.

Therefore, with March being the month when Split Tech City shines a light on digital marketing, we have decided to reflect on this old saying by highlighting the importance of design in digital marketing.

Design matters!

Design is all about conceptualizing and creating something from its very beginning.

For design to achieve its desired goal, it is necessary that designers – as well as the rest of the digital marketing team – understand the main objective. Design can also be the driving purpose behind what you want to ultimately achieve by shaping the look and the function of anything you create.

Having said all this makes one thing abundantly clear: design should not be the last thing you think about in digital marketing – designers should be right there with you from the beginning of your marketing campaign or any other digital marketing venture.

From the very beginning of humankind, we’ve been visual creatures.

Just think about all the ancient drawings on the walls of caves! The visual identity has always been part of our identity. This is even more important now because we consume so much content online and said content has to constantly compete for users’ attention.

Draw attention!

And the attention span has never been shorter. Therefore, your online content needs to draw the eye.

In comes your hidden superhero – design!

The design has the ability to be psychologically compelling and evoke emotion at a glance. It has the power to make anything you do instantly recognizable through the consistency of personalized colors, shapes, fonts, etc.

Design should be an integral part of any branding because all the materials you use in a digital marketing campaign send a message about the brand behind the campaign and ultimately tell the story you want to tell.

When it comes to digital marketing, design is an extremely powerful communication tool for any brand. It is also one that, for some reason, gets omitted often and put on a “we’ll add that later” list.

Get a designer!

It is said that good design can strengthen a marketing campaign’s call to action while a great design will have your audience acting on that call.

One of the major challenges designers often face is helping others understand the potential impact design can have on all aspects of a digital marketing campaign.

We could say that a winner in digital marketing is the one who combines thorough conceptualization of key concepts and goals, which are then backed up by powerful copywriting and world-class design.

So you should always be aware of the fact that design can play an essential role in digital marketing efforts because it can add gasoline to that bright flame that was ignited with the excellent written message you already have.

If you’re still not convinced, keep in mind that design that is done well can:

  • draw the viewer’s eye
  • tell your unique story
  • make that story more accessible and comprehensible
  • build credibility
  • strengthen your branding
  • ensure your story resonates with your audience
  • emphasize the message you want to share

…and many other things!

So, go ahead – contact a designer! Don’t think this is something you can add later down the line of your digital marketing journey. It’s not how the world works, you need to draw the eye right from the start!

Cover photo by: Bruno Dubravec

p.s. Yes, we’re aware the photo is from an NFT workshop, but it does draw the eye, doesn’t it?!


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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