Don’t miss the 4th edition of the Split Tech City Festival!

Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Hrvatski Telekom d.d.

Impatient innovators who make things better and want a better future today.
Their goal is to connect everyone and everything with the opportunities that are already available. They will make sure that everyone in Croatia has access to digital services, regardless of who they are and where they live.
You can rely on them because they do not give up until advanced technology is available to everyone.

What kind of team do they want?

While they build our future, they are counting on all of you who are yet to become part of their team. The impatient people, those who make things better, the innovators, those restless people who do not want to wait, hoping that things will get better – but instead take matters into their own hands, together with them.

All of this is emphasized by #idonotgiveup – a film in which their employees are one of the main characters.

Their strategy

Hrvatski Telekom’s strategy is based on the quality of services, customer satisfaction, and further development of broadband access and additional services related to broadband access. The low level of indebtedness, the developed technological infrastructure that enables further development of services, and our own human and professional potentials are a guarantee of further growth and increase of HT’s potential.

Today, HT rightly bears the epithet of one of the strongest economic entities in the country and as such was and remains one of the key drivers of the development of the Croatian economy.

Hrvatski Telekom in Split

IT experts from Hrvatski Telekom in Split are developing the new digital CRM and OSS platforms and working on many other interesting developments.

Hrvatski Telekom d.d.

Adresa: Radnička cesta 21, Zagreb
OIB: 81793146560

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