Split Tech City is a community composed of well-intentioned and progressive companies, startups, associations, initiatives, institutions and individuals. Together we encourage and develop the IT sector of Split and the surrounding region.

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Pinija Poljaković

I am a sociologist by degree, journalist and MC by experience, and media and public speaking trainer by vocation.

My media journey began eighteen years ago, where I often added TV cameras to the radio microphone and hosted various public events, conferences, and festivals.

As a communication expert at WWF (World Wild Fund for Nature), I was an in-house media and public speaking trainer and led numerous international projects, events, and campaigns.

As a sociologist, I am always curious to meet new people, connect, share, and grow together.

As an MC and moderator, I am always willing to contribute to the open atmosphere for sharing, learning, and (not less importantly) having fun!

But being a media and public speaking trainer, I found my biggest passion – helping people discover their power in public speaking, find their voice, and shape their true message.

More than 750 people have gone through my individual or group training, online and in person.

I equally enjoy empowering professionals who are fighting stage fright, to those whose presenting skills can always be polished to a new level.

Is it a pitch, presentation at a conference, media interview, or anything that has you spending sleepless nights? Together, we can make you shine.

Art Media

Obrt Art Media, obrt za usluge

Vlasnica: Pinija Poljaković

Adresa: Odeska 8, 21000, Split, Hrvatska

OIB 67827137767


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