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Bots&Pots is now in Split!

Nikolina Kukoč

Nikolina Kukoč


We were hungry from some last-minute Christmas shopping at City Center One when suddenly, right here in Split, we saw some familiar chefs who had already made great food for us before – Ms. Yellow and Mr. Red from the fabulous Bots&Pots team!

After getting over our initial confusion at seeing them at work in our hometown, we approached to ask them what brought them here at Biberon Food Bar where we found them, and – hungry as we were – to see if they’ll be willing to cook for us again, of course.

Nothing gets past the Bots&Pots robots, that’s for sure, because they greeted us with the following: “We know you – you’re from Split Tech City, we chatted with you and fed you before!”

Glad you remember us! What brings you here to Split? You were in Zagreb last time we spoke…

Ms. Yellow: “Yes, we were in Zagreb at the Bots&Pots restaurant. This first Croatian robot restaurant was closed after the hotel in which it was located began to be renovated.

Therefore, our human team – Đulijano, Dražen, and Hrvoje – got thinking once again and pivoted the journey of this Bots&Pots project towards Split and this new collaboration.”

So, in a way, this is another change in this Bots&Pots journey your humans initiated way back?

Mr. Red: “Yes, it is indeed another change. But this was never a finished project for our human team. They were always ready to see where life and work take them and to adapt this journey to make the best of it.

That is exactly what they are doing now by bringing us here to Biberon Food Bar in Split’s City Center One – adapting and making the best of it!”

Does this mean your Bots&Pots humans are turning towards a franchise way of things when it comes to the Bots&Pots project?

Mr. Red: “Being a robot, I operate in absolutes, so I would not dare say anything if I’m not certain. And startup business – which this sci-food venture is – is in its essence uncertain.

But I do hear Đulijano mention that word around here, so I do believe this is a certain type of franchise way of doing business. That is why partnering with Biberon Food Bar made sense. And it did bring us to Split – a city where we were ideated and created in the first place.”

Ms. Yellow: “And it gave people of Split a chance to try out our food! They certainly won’t be disappointed.

Here at Biberon Food Bar, we prepare four robotic dishes: two risottos and two meat dishes with gnocchi.

The quality is assured because we’re still using the recipes of our fantastic human chef Vedran and the ingredients are top-notch. This I can state with absolute certainty!”

Our little chat with part of the Bots&Pots robotic team got interrupted by the arrival of Đulijano and Vedran who quickly got the robots working on satiating our desire for a good meal – after the robots satiated our curiosity about their appearance in Split.

We are happy to see them here! And we are happy the human part of the Bots&Pots team keeps going on despite changes in the Bots&Pots course. After all, this new change brought them here in Split – closer to us!

All that’s left is to head to City Center One, take the escalator to Biberon Food Bar, spot Ms. Yellow and Mr. Red, and ask them to make you one of their signature dishes – you won’t regret it! 😀


About author:

Nikolina Kukoč

Researching is woven into my DNA, but I am a musician at heart. Interested in too many things and always curious. Forever in love with Split and enchanted by people who teach me new things. When I am not creating content about Split's tech community, you will find me in singing rehearsals, somewhere in nature, in the theater, or with my head stuck in a book. I do my best to live by the verse from the opera "Fedora" by Umberto Giordano: "Love forbids you not to love."

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