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BlockSplit4 – amazed and inspired!

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


We attended BlockSplit4 and were once more amazed by the program, as well as the overall organization – so, compliments to the entire BlockSplit team for pulling it off in such a marvelous way!

Nevertheless, amazed as we were, there was someone even more so – our volunteer Ivan Markov. You know, that guy that is helping you to demystify blockchain and NFTs every month, step-by-step, article by article.

We decided to let him share his insights on this year’s BlockSplit, and here’s what he had to say.

Amazed and inspired

Oh, BlockSplit4! What a whirlwind of innovation and inspiration it was!

It’s a place where the magic of Web3 comes to life. Web3, if you’re new to the term, is all about building a robust, inclusive community. It’s about empowering ordinary folks who have an extraordinary passion for doing good. It’s not without its hiccups, but it’s a thrilling leap toward a better future – and that’s something to be excited about.

The conference was a beehive of phenomenal minds and sparkling conversations! As someone eager to soak up new insights and knowledge, I found myself in the right place. It was indeed a joy to see so many brilliant individuals, just everyday folks like you and me, sharing their wisdom.

What’s particularly heartwarming about the Web3 community is its authenticity.

We don’t have room for giant egos or know-it-alls, and jealousy is simply a no-go. Everyone’s there with an open heart, ready to lend a hand and share ideas. This genuine passion for doing good is the very heartbeat of BlockSplit, setting the stage for an environment of growth and mutual support.

BlockSplit then and now

I’m not a newbie to BlockSplit. I had the chance to be part of this fantastic event last year as well, and it’s astonishing to see how much we’ve expanded. This year, we had more speakers sparking riveting dialogues, more audience members eagerly participating, and an ever-growing number of people getting bitten by the Web3 bug.

One aspect of the conference which I absolutely relished was the small group presentations. There’s a certain charm and closeness that comes with these small-scale interactions. It’s a fantastic way to delve deeper into topics and foster a more intimate exchange of ideas. But you know what would add another layer of dynamism? More open panel discussions with active audience participation.

Imagine the vibrant interplay of diverse perspectives and the thrill of spontaneous conversations!

The exciting future

Looking forward, I’m absolutely thrilled about the upcoming Web3 Tales in Zagreb and ETH Belgrade. It’s an exciting journey, and these conferences are the milestones that keep us marching ahead, sparking enthusiasm and lighting the way for newcomers.

In my heart, there’s a little dream that I’ve been nurturing for the next BlockSplit: to step up to that podium and share my humble insights. I’d love to talk about the magic of NFTs and how artists can wield this breakthrough technology. I’d like to share thoughts on personal branding, the art of telling your unique story, and, of course, the undeniable power of community.

After all, it’s this sense of togetherness, this shared passion, and mutual support that make our community truly special.

It’s a beautiful journey, and I’m thrilled to be part of it! See you next year! 😀


p.s. Just a heads up: BlockSplit5 will take place next year from May 27th to May 30th, so – save the dates and come to Split to be blown away! 😉

Photos: BlockSplit


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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