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The exponential growth of APIs and new trends to look out for

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


Today, APIs have a substantial place in business technology. Since the pandemic era, they have grown exponentially and are expected to rise further in 2023.

The importance of APIs extends even beyond IT groups and development teams.

98% of enterprise leaders said that APIs are an essential part of their organization’s digital transformation efforts and, in addition, 97% said that a successful API strategy is important for future revenue and growth (Rapid 2022 State of APIs).

As most digital transformation strategies will need the adoption of some form of API to ensure connectivity and integration between an ever-increasing suite of application and business systems, APIs are becoming a crucial part of a company’s strategy.

What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of standards and protocols that allow different software components to communicate with each other.

In fact, these services may otherwise not be able to communicate on their own due to variances in programming language, operating system, or file type.

APIs are useful for pulling specific information from another program and can be used in a variety of business functions and in applications.

Top 10 API trends to look out for

1st Trend: The rise of serverless architecture

Serverless Architecture is a type of cloud computing that allows you to run applications and services without having to manage servers.

In return for structuring your code around their APIs, your cloud provider takes care of that for you. It is becoming increasingly popular as it can reduce costs and increase efficiency.

2nd Trend: API management

APIs make a company’s data, intellectual property, and other assets available to customers, vendors, employees, and other applications.

Because APIs are so important, API management has become especially critical because it defines how organizations secure, govern, scale, and even monetize their APIs.

3rd Trend: API-as-a-product

As part of APIs’ growth, an increasing number of businesses are embracing the concept of API as a product. Rather than being simply a means of communication between different applications, this approach of APIs involves treating it like a product designed to meet the customers’ needs.

4th Trend: AI APIs

APIs play the role of intermediaries between two applications, requiring a great effort to secure data transfer between the systems. Artificial Intelligence helps APIs in analyzing security threats and detecting cyberattacks.

AI APIs integrate different AI and machine learning techniques to obtain relevant data and access server software or other applications.

5th Trend: The growth of the Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT is the network of physical devices such as vehicles or home appliances connected to the internet. With the growth of IoT, there is a growing need for APIs that can connect devices to each other and data.

6th Trend: The rise of edge computing

Edge computing is a form of computing that is done on-site or near a particular data source, minimizing the need for data to be processed in a remote data center.

By adopting edge API, it can improve performance, reduce latency, and can help reduce costs by reducing the need for bandwidth.

7th Trend: API Analytics

API analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and making decisions based on data from an API. These analytics can track usage trends, identify errors, and improve the overall performance of an API.

With the rise of big data, API analytics is becoming increasingly important and gives businesses the information needed to improve performance and scalability.

8th trend: API security

API security is the practice of protecting the API from malicious attacks and unauthorized access. With a growing number of APIs on the market, security is becoming of utmost importance.

9th trend: Open-source APIs

Open-source APIs are typically free for anyone to use and modify, making them an excellent option for businesses that want to save on software development costs.

Additionally, open-source APIs can be easier to integrate into your existing infrastructure.

10th trend: Low-code and no-code platforms

Low-code and no-code platforms are becoming more popular as they can help businesses save time and money on development. No-code and low-code platforms are designed to simplify the development process and reduce the amount of coding involved.

This is a key factor that allows businesses to customize their APIs regardless of their team members’ developer experience.

Despite the economic slowdown, the API economy is growing at an incredibly fast pace and undergoing tremendous change that will continue into 2023.

This brings us to the conclusion that understanding API’s technology and keeping an eye on its latest trends seems to be essential for all business and IT leaders.

This article was written by: Tamara Habensus


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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